living thing and non-living things
A PC app designed to teach kids about the "theory of life", specifically so-called difference between a living thing and a non-living thing, the former of which are described as having the properties of: breath, movement (with legs), growth, and change; albeit each of which are properties that can be discredited given some thought, e.g. it is debatable as to whether a brain dead person whose body is on artificial respiration is alive or dead (as it is debatable as to what point an embryo is live, e.g. before or after ability to breath); crystals grow, but are not considered alive; walking molecules move with legs, but are not considered alive; viruses reproduce, but are generally considered as alive, and so on. [1]
In science, theory of life is an unwritten assumption, handed down through the ages, that humans and other so-called “lower life forms”, descending down the evolutionary ladder to the level of bacteria, virus, or RNA, depending, are in possession, when in animate moving existence, of something called “life”, albeit a term that defies scientific definition.

The etymology of the “theory of life” for the dominate portion of the belief systems of world, 75 percent by religious affiliation, derives from the circa 3,100BC theory that each day the sun is “born” and that each night the sun “dies”, an argument that forms the core basis of Anunian theology, of which the modern Abrahamic faiths and Brahmaic faiths are derivatives, and that the sun anthropomorphized as the human-like deity Ra created all humans, via the powers of divine breath and spit, a process originally described according to the Heliopolis Ennead creation theory, though later versions differ in detail, and that humans, like the sun, have similar life/death properties. Modifications of this logic have been passed along to us as children for the last 5,000 years (an example of which is shown adjacent).

The Yellow River religions, to note, account for another 10 percent of belief systems in regard to etymological notions of a "theory of life". Beyond this framework, Neanderthals, some 35,000-years ago, were known to bury their dereacted (deceased) kin with red ochre, among other artifacts, indicating that alternative conceptual anthropomorphic-like "theories of life" may also have existed in alternative forms.

Scientific attempts
Later scientific groupings at definitions of life and death, particularly following the invention of the microscope, after which ideas about “what is life” began to come into scrutiny, are but hold-ons to the old ingrained, passed along through the generations, belief system, in spite of the fact that the undefinable concept of “life” is a belief incompatible with modern chemistry and physics (see: defunct theory of life), particularly when one goes searching for the demarcation point in the so-called great chain of being, the hypothetical point at which atoms and molecules supposedly “come alive”, which becomes strikingly convoluted in its absurdity when thermodynamical considerations are brought to bear on this question, all of which tend to amount to perpetual motion of the living kind theories, the alternative of which is to become a panbioist. Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger's infamous retraction "Note to Chapter 6", of his 1944 What is Life? lecture-turned-book is an example of thermodynamic meanderings about an attempt to derive a chemistry and physics based theory of life turned incorrigible.

Defunct classification

In 2009, the theory of life officially became classified as a defunct scientific theory (see: defunct theory of life).

See also
Life theory | List
What is life? (theories of existence)

1. Living and Non-living Things –

Further reading
● Drysdale, John G. (1874). The Protoplasmic Theory of Life. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox.
● Drey, Sylvan. (1897). A Theory of Life Deduced from the Evolution Philosophy. Williams and Norgate.
● Alexander, James B. (1909). The Dynamic Theory of Life and Mind: an attempt to show that all organic beings are both constructed and operated by the dynamic agencies of their respective enviroments. The Truth Seeker Co.

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