Goethean calendar
Conversion formulasA snapshot of the Goethean calendar, which dates years before (BG) or after (AG) the reaction synthesis, i.e. birth (28 Aug 1749), of human chemistry founder Johann Goethe. The science of chemistry, originating in the works of the Greek atomic theorists, is by definition, an explicit godless belief system, i.e. all that is exists is atoms and voids (Democritus, 410BC or 2160BG), which, when applied to humans socially, is in turn a god-free atheist belief system.
In dating systems, AG, short for “Anno Goethe” (or “After Goethe”, depending), Latin for “Year of Goethe”, or year or period of reaction synthesis of German polyintellect Johann Goethe—conceived on 21 Dec 1748, born or emerged from birth canal at noon on 28 Aug 1749, reaching an age or reaction extent of one on 28 Aug 1750, in Gregorian calendar (Christian calendar) years—as contrasted with years BG, short for “Before Goethe”, is the notation employed in the Goethean calendar system to denote current years, i.e. it is a modern era non-mythological based dating system that assigns 1 Jan 1750 to start of the year 0 AG, 1 Jan 1751 to the start of the year 1 AG, 1 Jan 1752 to the start of the year 2 AG, etc., 1 Jan 1749 to the start of the year 1 BG (technically 7-months and 28.5 days before the birth of Goethe), 1 Jan 1748 to the start of the year 2 BG, etc.

Halley dating

The Goethean calendar is dated to start on the measureable day of 9-years 3-months and 13-days before the 27th documented passing of Halley’s comment, predicted by English astronomer Edmund Halley to occur on 13 Mar 1759. (ΡΊ)
AG 2016 usage
The title page to Libb Thims draft stage Smart Atheism: for Kids, showing the book copyrighted according to Anno Goethe (AG) years. [3]

The BG/AG dating system is based on the following statement of American philosopher and essayist Ralph Emerson, who reasons that those "after Goethe" (AG) are modern or existing in the modern era, whereas those "before Goethe" (BG), are ancient or existed in the ancient era:

“All before Goethe [28 Aug 1749] are ancients, and all who have read him are modern.”
Ralph Emerson (1852), commentary on Margaret Fuller [1]

Goethe, in turn, reasoning, similarly, that the birth of Isaac Newton, rather than the birth the fictional religio-mythology figure of Jesus Christ (aka Horus-Osiris anointed), is the start of the modern era:

“1642 [the year of Newton’s birth] is the Christmas of the modern age.”
Johann Goethe (c.1810), Publication

The Newtonian calendar (BN/AN) dating system, tested in Hmolpedia, while tentatively functionable, has at least two issues, one being that Newton’s year of birth varies according to whether the Julian calendar system (older calendar) or the Gregorian calendar system (modern calendar) is employed, both versions active during his reaction existence. Second, Newton, as was the cultural milieu in his day, was not yet completely free from Christianity, though he was grappling with them, e.g. he would objectionably not label years as AD, or Anno Domini ("Year of our Lord"), but instead used AC ("Anno Christum"), signifying is objection to the argument of the existence of the trinity, namely his view that while a person named Jesus Christ, in his mind, may have existed, may have been the son of God, and may have been "christened" (anointed with oil), or arisen, such a tentative person was definitely was not the ‘Lord’ or God. [1]

Goethean calendar (new)
A 28 Jul 2014 (264 AG) draft sketch, showing BC/AC to BG/AG date conversion formulas, of the so-called Goethean calendar, initiated on 21 Jul 2014 (264 AG), in Hmolpedia, by Libb Thims, amid discussion with Mirza Beg, et al, based on the verbal 1852 (102 AG) outline by American philosopher Ralph Emerson, who referred to people, e.g. Margaret Fuller, whose minds have been raised in the era of Goethe as “modern”, Goethe, who claims to have been born at the stroke of noon on 28 Aug 1749 (1 BG) (see: Goethe timeline), in turn, likewise, conceiving the “modern age” to be the years following the birth or reaction synthesis of Newton or 1642 (108 BG)—technically 25 Dec 1642 (Julian calendar) or 4 Jan 1643 (Gregorian calendar).
Goethe, alternatively, via the intellectually-grown cultural milieu of his day, had both discarded Christianity, as a system of morality—stating that: “Christianity is subject composed by a number of wise men; it’s religion is merely a rational, political institution” (1770), also that he was “non-Christian and loathed the cross symbol †” (1782), and a year before his reaction end that “I have found no confession of faith to which I could ally myself without reservation” (1831)—in its place situating the symbols of physical chemistry (see: moral symbols) as the future's basis of the new morality or system of right and wrong (or natural and unnatural), and seemingly being the first, Empedocles aside, to embrace the fact that he was a type of chemical and to address the ramifications of this insight.

The BG/AG dating system was first tested out on 21 Jul 2014 (21 Jul 264) in the Libb Thims article. This AG Hmolpedia article was initiated on 28 Jul 2014 (28 Jul 264).

1. (a) Tantillo, Astradia O. (2010). Goethe’s Modernisms (pg. 1). Continuum International Publishing Group.
(b) Fuller, Margaret. (1852). Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Volume 1 (editors: William Channing, Ralph Emerson, and James Clarke) (§:Emerson, Channing and Clarke, pg. 242-43) . Phillips, Sampson and Co.
(c) Maas, Christel-Maria. (2006). Margaret Fuller's transnational project: self-education, feminine culture and American national literature on the German model (Margaret Fullers transnationales Projekt: Selbstbildung, feminine Kultur und amerikanische Nationalliteratur nach deutschem Vorbild) (pg. 63). University of Göttingen Publisher.
2. Gleick, James. (2003). Isaac Newton (pg.112). Vintage Books.
3. Thims, Libb. (2016). Smart Atheism: For Kids (pdf | 309-pgs). Publisher.

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