In government, American Presidents are the forty-plus leaders of the United States, since its founding, in the years to follow its 1776 declaration of independence from England, among which, in respect to hmolscience, a significant number stem from the Princeton school of social physics. Notable and or relevant factoids are shown below:


1.George Washington 75George Washington
Term: 1789-1797
IQ:140|#491(Cattell 1000:19) [RGM:50|1400+] (EPD:F11) [2]
2.John Adams 75John Adams
Term: 1797-1801
IQ:170|#272 [HD:14] The patriarch of the so-called Adams family (or Adams political family): his son, John Quincy Adams, was 6th president, and his great grandson was Henry Adams, the leading social Newton, behind Goethe.
3.Jefferson 75Thomas Jefferson
Term: 1801-1809
IQ:190|#44 [HD:17] One of fabled "last persons to know everything"; a Cattell 1000 (top 90); library=6,487 books; known for: American government founding; atheism advocation (situated the separation of church and state clause in the Constitution in 1802); was a polymath who spoke five languages and was deeply interested in science and political philosophy; he once stated "I cannot live without books”; Quote: “He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.” (Ѻ) The 1608 English translation of Simon Stevin’s work Disme, The Arts of Tenths or Decimal Arithmetike, by Robert Norton, is said to have inspired him to propose a decimal monetary unit for the US. The tenth of a dollar is still referred to as a “dime”; often met with other encyclopedists at Café Procope (see: epicenter genius); noted for the “all men are created equal” motto used in the Declaration of Independence; a theory that, in hmolscience logic, would translate as “all molecules are synthesized equal” (see: contented molecule).
4.James Madison 75James Madison
Term: 1809-1817
IQ:170|#270 [HD:18] The patriarch of the so-called Princeton school of social physics; in 1769, was studying a primitive form of social physics a Princeton; was a student of John Witherspoon (1723-1794), a signatory of the Declaration of Independence, and noted interpreter of the political philosophy of Charles Montesquieu, notable for his “hot climates” / “cold climates” theory of human behavior, who in turn had been deeply influenced by the celestial mechanics work of Isaac Newton; a set of teachings, that went into the so-called Newtonian-based framing of the US Constitution, e.g. separation of powers, as Woodrow Wilson (#28) argued; or as John Q. Stewart stated: “in early Princeton, physics cooperated with politics in a sort of analogical double play, Newton to Witherspoon to Madison.”
5.James Monroe 75James Monroe
Term: 1817-1825

After replacing Morris as minister to France, he obtained Thomas Paine’s release from prison, after which Paine stayed in Monroe’s home, where he penned part 2 of The Age of Reason (Jacoby, 2004; pg. 41.
6.John Quincy Adams 75John Quincy Adams
Term: 1825-1829
IQ:175|#222Son of John Adams (2nd president); his grandson was Henry Adams, the leading social Newton, behind Goethe; When he sworn into office, he chose (Ѻ) to swear on a book of law instead of the Bible, because he wanted to make it clear that he was protecting the US constitution and the laws of the US above all else.
7.Andrew Jackson
Term: 1829-1837

8.Martin van Buren
Term: 1837-1841

9.William Harrison
Term: 1841

10.John Tyler
Term: 1841-1845

11.James Polk
Term: 1845-1849

12.Zachary Taylor
Term: 1849-1850

13.Millard Fillmore
Term: 1850-1853

14.Franklin Pierce
Term: 1853-1857

Took oath by swearing, not on Bible, but on a law book, per reason that the believed that the death of his son, killed in a train accident, two months before he took office, was punishment for his sins. (Ѻ)
15.James Buchanan
Term: 1857-1861

16.Abraham Lincoln 75Abraham Lincoln
Term: 1861-1865
IQ:170|#271 A Cattell 1000 (top 40); led the union to victory in the Civil War (1861-1865); his 1863 Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in America, paving the way for slavery’s eventual abolition.
17.Andrew Johnson
Term: 1865-1869

18.Ulysses Grant
Term: 1869-1877

19.Rutherford Hayes
Term: 1877-1881

20.James Garfield
Term: 1881

21.Chester Arthur
Term: 1881-1885

22.Grover Cleveland
Term: 1885-1889

23.Benjamin Harrison
Term: 1889-1893

24.Grover Cleveland
Term: 1893-1897

25.William McKinley
Term: 1897-1901

26.Theodore Roosevelt
Term: 1901-1909
27.William Taft
Term: 1909-1913

28.Woodrow Wilson 75Woodrow Wilson
Term: 1913-1921

During his 1912 presidential candidacy speeches, argued that Constitution, written by James Madison based on Newtonian physics logic, was in need of reform and upgrade; namely that government, according to modern science, was answerable not to Newton, but to Darwin.
29. Warren Harding
Term: 1921-1923

30.Calvin Coolidge 75Calvin Coolidge
Term: 1923-1929

Noted, in evolutionary psychology, for "Coolidge effect", the phenomenon, supposedly, observed by Coolidge at a chicken farm with his wife, that males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual ability, continuously, albeit only if new receptive sexual partners are presented. [3]
31.Herbert Hoover
Term: 1929-1933

32.Franklin D. Roosevelt
Term: 1933-1945
33.Harry Truman
Term: 1945-1953

34.Dwight Eisenhower
Term: 1953-1961

35.JFK 75John Kennedy
Term: 1961-1963
36.Lyndon Johnson
Term: 1963-1969

37.Richard Nixon
Term: 1969-1974

38.Gerald Ford
Term: 1974-1977

39.Jimmy Carter
Term: 1977-1981

40.Ronald Reagan
Term: 1981-1989

41.George H. W. Bush
Term: 1989-1993

42.Bill Clinton
Term: 1993-2001

43.George W. Bush 75George W. Bush
Term: 2001-2009

His administration, in 2001, began to limit federal funding to stem cell research in which "the life-and-death decision has already been made", which launched the stem cell controversy about ethics of stem cell research (a separation of church and state issue); the logical objection of which, being underlying Christianity-based, as 1993 NIH researcher turned 2009 NIH head Francis Collins argues, being that certain types of stem cells have a soul; hence it is immoral to use them for research purposes. [4]
44.Barack Obama 75Barack Obama
Term: 2009-2015
IQE:135A a quick estimate for IQ was made based on the mean of a number of spurious Internet sources: 110-160 (Ѻ), 120-130 (Ѻ), 130 (Ѻ), 145 (Ѻ); averaged up for secular views employed in politics in respect to religion.
45Donald TrumpDonald Trump
Term: 2017-

In 2013, Trump Tweeted: “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it!” (Ѻ)

“I know some of you may think I’m tough and harsh but actually I’m a very compassionate person (with a very high IQ) and with strong common sense.”
— Donald Trump (2013), Tweet, Apr 21

In 2013, Trump tweeted that his IQ was “much higher” than Barack Obama and George W. Bush. (Ѻ)

In 2015, Trump’s IQ was reported, in an article (Ѻ) by, as being 156 based on the fact that he graduated from Wharton School, that the average student needs an SAT score of 1500 to get in, and that this translates to an IQ of 145 to 149 or 156 as reported. This was reported (Ѻ) by to be a hoax article.

In 2016, based on the previous “hoax IQ”, a presidential IQ chart began making the rounds, in social media, stating something to the affect that Dean Simonton was the one who calculated Trump’s IQ at 156 (Ѻ)(Ѻ) and that his IQ was second highest presidential IQ, below John Q. Adams and above Thomas Jefferson.

In Mar 2017, a poll conducted of 3,000 UK residents ranked Trump second lowest in intelligence, above George W. Bush, and ranked Obama first in intelligence, among 30 most talked about public figures on (Ѻ)

In 2017, Jordan Peterson, who thinks his own IQ is in “excess of 150”, stated, in interview (Ѻ), that the “a 160 IQ estimate” for Donald Trump is “too high”, but crouched his statement by noting that being a business mogul, a successful reality show producer, and president does take some level of multifaceted intelligence.


Religious affiliation
Nearly all US presidents, in belief system, have been characterized as being adherents to Christianity in religious belief, with the exceptions of four who have been said to have had some type of atheism association or were nonreligious or with no religious affiliation: Thomas Jefferson, and as others have argued or alleged: Abraham Lincoln, William Taft, and Barack Obama. [5]

Unique among the group is Jefferson, who with his "last persons to know everything", polymath-polyglot, walking encyclopedia status, possessor of a 6,487 book personal library, suffered from the so-called “Henry Adams effect”, described in 1907 by Henry Adams, in his The Education of Henry Adams (see: genius), about how the active mind will always be several generations or millennia ahead of his or her peers, who will be caught in a slower type of mental inertia.

See main: American Presidents by IQ
The following are the results of about 25-35 people with the query "Who are the Three Smartest American Presidents", of which 18 were able to give answers, the results of which are shown below, along with known IQ estimates from genius IQ table (IQG) from American psychologist Dean Simonton's 2006 historical extrapolation estimates (IQS)—who, to note, seems to consider John Adams to have the highest IQ, ahead of Thomas Jefferson (who he ranks second in intelligence): [6]

Smartest Presidents
(2013 colloquial opinion)
Smartest Presidents
(2006 Simonton ranking)
IQsSmartest Presidents
(2016 Thims ranking)
(top 500)



1.Thomas Jefferson
11180John Adams (1735-1826) 173Thomas Jefferson
2.Abraham Lincoln
8160Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) 160James Madison (1751-1836) IQ:170|#254
3.John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy (1917–1963)158Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865)IQ:170|#255
4.Franklin D. Roosevelt
Bill Clinton
156John Adams (1735-1826) IQ:170|#256
5.Bill Clinton
James Madison (1751-1836) 155John F. Kennedy (1917–1963)

6.Theodore Roosevelt
Jimmy Carter
153Woodrow Wilson (1856–1924)

7.John Adams
Woodrow Wilson (1856–1924)152Barack Obama (1961-)

8.Woodrow Wilson (1856–1924)2
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919)149Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919)

9.George Washington (1732-1799) 2
James Garfield (1831–1881)148

10.James Madison (1751-1836) 1160Chester Arthur (1829–1886)148

11Jimmy Carter
Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865)148

12.Ronald Reagan (1911–2004)1
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882–1945)146

13.Barack Obama (1961-)1134Millard Fillmore (1800–1874)143

14.Lyndon Johnson (1908–1973)1
John Tyler (1790–1862)142

15.Harry Truman (1884–1972)1
Franklin Pierce (1804–1869)141

16.James Monroe (1758–1831)1


Leaders | Scientific paradigm based
The following are noted leaders of countries who each based their governance models on one or another distinct scientific paradigms:

Adolf Hitler |
Benito Mussolini | Vilfredo Pareto, Friedrich Nietzsche
James Madison | Isaac Newton
● Joseph Stalin | Karl Marx
Mehdi Bazargan |
Napoleon Bonaparte | Johann Goethe
Thomas Jefferson | Epicurus
Woodrow Wilson | Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin

See also
Founding fathers fallacy

1. Adams political family – Wikipedia.
2. Cox, Catharine, M. (1926). Early Mental Traits of Three Hundred Geniuses (Genetic Studies of Genius Series) (George Washington, pgs. 345-). Stanford University Press.
3. Coolidge effect – Wikipedia.
4. (a) Bush, George W. (2001). “President Discusses Stem Cell Research”, Aug 09.
(b) Stem cell controversy – Wikipedia.
5. Religious affiliations of Presidents of the United States – Wikipedia.
6. (a) Thims, Libb. (2013). "Poll: 3 Smartest American Presidents?" (N=25-35/18), Nov 11.
(b) Simonton, Dean K. (2006). “Presidential IQ, Openness, Intellectual Brilliance, and Leadership: Estimates and Correlations for 42 U.S. Chief Executives” (pdf), Political Psychology, 27(4):511-26.
(c) IQ estimates [of US Presidents] by academics (section) – Wikipedia.

External links
List of Presidents of the United States – Wikipedia.
List of Presidents of the United States by time in office – Wikipedia.
The Presidents –

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