In existographies , Benjamin Gal-Or (1933-) is an Israeli physicist noted for []
In 1974, Gal-Or, in his Modern Developments in Thermodynamics: an Interdisciplinary Collective Treatise, a multi-author book on topics such as the thermodynamics of animate systems (living systems) of Aharon Katchalsky, thermodynamics in particle physics and astrophysics, among other subjects, in the end chapter of which he presented seven-pages of noted and or historical thermodynamics quotations, selected by Gal-Or, of a number of thinkers, including: Clifford Truesdell, Arthur Eddington, John Wheeler, Henri Poincare, Olivier Beauregard, among others. [1]
Gal-Or completed his BS (1959), MS (1961), and DSc (1964), in what seems to have been in jet propulsion physics, at the Israel Institute of Technology University; becoming a professor there from 1968 to 2001. [2]
1. Gal-Or, Benjamin. (1974). Modern Developments in Thermodynamics: an Interdisciplinary Collective Treatise (§: Thought-Provoking and Thought-Depressing Quotations”, 43 quotes selected by B. Gal-Or, pgs. 435-42). Wiley.
2. Benjamin Gal-Or (overview) – Technion.
Further reading
● Gal-Or, Benjamin. (1987). Cosmology, Physics, and Philosophy: Including a New Theory of Aesthetics. Springer.
External links
● Benjamin Gal-Or – Facebook.