photo neededIn human chemistry, Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs (1930-1994), often cited as B.J. Dobbs, was an American chemistry historian noted for her 1975 The Foundations of Newton’s Alchemy, possibly touching on Query 31, wherein she, supposedly, “examines the rule of the ‘mediator’ by which two substances are made ‘sociable’” a part of the famous footnote 2.5 of Ilya Prigogine’s 1984 Order Out of Chaos. [1]

Dobbs was a chemistry historian, specializing in the unpublished handwritten alchemical work of Isaac Newton, at the University of California, Davis. [1]

1. (a) Dobbs, B.J. (1975). The Foundations of Newton’s Alchemy: or the Hunting of the Greene Lyon. Cambridge University Press.
(b) Prigogine, Ilya. (1984). Order Out of Chaos – Man’s New Dialogue with Nature (note, pg. 64; endnote, pg. 319). New York: Bantam Books.
2. Betty Dobbs (obiturary) –

External links
Betty Jo Tetter Dobbs – Wikipedia.

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