Bond energiesbond energies (compounds)
Bond energies for different bonds, single bond, double bond, triple bond, etc., and bonds in compounds. [5]
In chemistry, bond energy is a view that certain chemical bonds, e.g. phosphate bonds, store large amounts of chemical energy and thus act as energy distributing types of storage systems within biochemical systems, functioning as sort of biochemical batteries in the driving of many endergonic reactions. [1]

Chemical bond energy
In 1905, Fritz Haber, in Thermodynamics of Technical Gas Reactions, introduced a general outlined of the notion of “bonds” defined chemical thermodynamically; some examples:

“In Helmholtz’ point of view, a chemical reaction is considered to have a latent heat just as does any change in the state of aggregation; consequently, in my view the two parts into which total energy can be divided are not spoken of as free energy and bound energy but as ‘reaction energy and ‘latent energy’.”
Fritz Haber (1905), Thermodynamics of Technical Gas Reactions (pg. ix)

“These cases are generally explained by assuming the breaking of weak, but ‘real’, bonds between the phosphorus tricholoride and chlorine, the hydrochloric acid and the ammonia, and between he carbamic acid and the ammonia. When such an assumption does not agree with the current conception of valence, as in the case of acetic acid, which, like nitric oxide, shows a marked tendency to polymerize just above the boiling point, ‘molecular compounds’ are assume.”
Fritz Haber (1905), Thermodynamics of Technical Gas Reaction (pg. 154)

In 1941, German-born American Fritz Lipmann derived the quantitative model of "bond energy", thermodynamically, in respect to the bonds and energy stored in ATP. [2]

In modern terms, bond energies, in chemicals, are measured in different ways; most often by the enthalpy change ΔH required to break a particular bond or molecule.

Human bond energy
Estimates of energy contained in different types of human bonds, e.g. marriage bond, social bond, family bond, political bonds, is a rather new subject; generally a repercussion of the fact that human chemical bond theories are sparse.
Bond energy (radium)

Nuclear bond energy
The following, shown adjacent, depicts the nuclear bond energy contained in a 3/50th of a gram of radium, which can be used to life a weight of 302,500 tons through a vertical distance (one foot), by the power of the nuclear bond energy contained in a 3/50th of a gram of radium.

1. Lipmann, Fritz. (1953). “Development of the Acetylation Problem: A Personal Account.” Nobel Lecture, Dec. 11.
2. Lipmann, Fritz. (1941). “Metabolic Generation and Utilization of Phosphate Bond Energy”. New York. In: Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects – Vol. 1 (1941), (pg. 99-162). Interscience Publishers.
3. Wolke, Robert L. (2009). “Bond Energies”,
4. (a) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (keyword: bond energy, pgs.91-92, 103), (preview), (Google books). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
(b) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume Two) (section: Bond energy, pgs. 553-60; human chemical bond energy, pg. 558), (preview), (Google books). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
5. (a) Bond-dissociation energy – Wikipedia.
(b) Nitrogen compound bond energies –

External links
Bond energy – Wikipedia.

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