Christianity (etymology) (titled)
The Egyptian original version (left) of Christianity, namely: the resurrection of Osiris in which after he was mummified, wrapped in linen, and then had his phallus anointed with oil was "reborn" after having a type of resurrection sex with both the goddesses Isis and her sister Nephthys, as they hovered over Osiris' erect body, imparting the spirit of life into him, as compared to the Roman monotheistic rewritten version (right), where Mary and Mary Magdalene had to anoint the linen-wrapped mummified Jesus then both mount his sepulcher (Mathew 27:61), after which he rose from the dead, as explained in the video (below).
In belief systems, Christianity is a branch of Ra theology (or Anunian theology), accounting for 33 percent of the world’s religious belief, as described in the teachings and theories found in the Bible, centered the belief that man named "Jesus Christ" (aka Horus-Osiris synthesized), said, in story form, to have died for the sake of the sins of humankind, was reborn, and that for a person to achieve salvation and everlasting life or afterlife he or she must accept Jesus has their savior and follow the ten commandments among other prescriptions and rules of the Bible, which generally equate to be a good person.

Fall of man | Destruction of man
The 500BC Biblical “fall of man” (Ѻ), as found in part in the Greek story of Pandora's box (800BC), supposedly, is a reformulation of the Egyptian “legend of the destruction of man”, as recorded (Ѻ) on the tomb of Seti I (c.1220-1279BC), and dated to the Middle period (2000-1300BC).

Egyptian origins
See main: Egyptian-to-Christian transliteration; Christian-to-Egyptian transliteration; Religio-mythology transcription and syncretism
In large part, although there are some Mesopotamian and Sumerian influences in the construction of the Bible, which occurred from 1000 BC to 100 AD, undertaking about 52 writers and editors (four writers and one editor alone for the Book of Moses, 960-539BC), the dominant theme in the construction of the Bible was re-writing of the Egyptian pantheon of gods and goddess into story form as people, so to create a monotheistic version, centered around one God, his son, and the process through which a person could be reborn and enter the afterlife. The main steps involved in the rewrite of Ra theology into the format of Christianity are as follows:

Nun → Noah
● Osiris (the child) → Moses (the child)
● Breath of life (Ankh) → Holy Spirit
Isis (or Stella Maris or "star of the sea") → Mary
Nephthys (Isis' or Stella Maris' sister) → Mary Magdalene
Set (Horus' evil brother; depicted with a red face and horns) → Devil (or Satan)
● Heliopolis Ennead (creation myth) → 5 Books of Moses (7 days of creation story)
Life (human origin of life) → Creation by breath / Creation by clay
Judgment Hall
A depiction of the Egyptian afterlife judgment hall, into which Horus (Jesus) leads the deceased to be judged by Osiris (God), one of the the basis of tenets or theories on which Christianity is founded.
● Lesser gods and goddesses → Angels and demons
● Bird wings → Angel wings
Sun discHalo
Ankh (symbol of the breath of life) → Cross
Judgment hall → door way to heaven
Ammit standing over lake of fire → gateway to hell
Anubis and the Holy Lake (underlying each temple) → John the Baptist (and baptism)
● 120 days of the annual Nile flood → 120 days of Noah's flood.
● Benu bird (which burst forth out of the primordial land mound that arose following the flood, which carried the sun on its head) → Noah's 3 doves (sent out at 40-day intervals to check for dry land; the third of which, sent out on day 120, didn't return, a sign that land had arose).
● Release of the soul ritual → Abraham killing Isaac parable
● Osiris the child (released onto the Nile) → Moses the child (released onto the Nile)
● Creation by incest genealogy (from Nun) → Thrice sister-wife parable of Abraham and Sarai
● 42 Negative confessions (modeled on the 42 predynastic nodes or kingdoms) → 10 commandments (truncated confessions)
● 42 gods of the Judgment Hall → 42 generations between God and Jesus
Passion of Osiris → Passion of Christ
Khnum potter's wheel
The Egyptian god Khnum (right), creating two humans from clay, on his potter's wheel, seated next to the goddess Isis (left), who is imparting the breath of life into the clay figures by pointing the ankh at their nostrils, became the model for Adam and Eve (the name Adam, Hebrew for "clay").
● Ripping apart of Osiris by his evil brother Set (modeled on corn shucking) → Crucifixion of Jesus
● 12 pieces of Osiris, scattered about the land, and the temple that grew in each spot → 12 tribes of Israel
● Pieces of Osiris collected back together by Isis and mummified → wrapping in linen of Jesus' body (Mathew 27:59)
● Rubbing of Osiris' dead phallus with oil → anointing of Jesus' body (Mathew 26:6-12)
● Burial of Osiris in a great primeval mound or pyramid → laying of Jesus in his own "rock hewn tomb", sealed with a great stone door (Mathew 27:60)
● 3 days of death of Osiris (modeled on the Dec 22-24 apparent stillness of the sun, before it's rebirth to longer days on December 25) → 3 days of death of Jesus
● 2 goddesses mounting the Osiris (Stella Maris and her Nephthys) to have resurrection sex → 2 Marys "sitting over" the sepulcher (Mathew 27:61)
● 3 wise men bringing gifts to the birth of Horus → 3 wise men bringing gifts to the birth of Jesus
● Acceptance of Horus the Savior → Acceptance of Jesus Christ as you Savior → Mary and Mary Magdalene mounting the sepulcher (Mathew 27:61)
● Khnum creating humans from clay (creation from clay) → Adam (Hebrew for "clay") and Eve
● Weighing of the soul (soul weight) → modern human morality system
● Ra having sex with the pharaoh's wife (from inscriptions the temple of Hatshepsut, the daughter of Thutmose I: "Ra gathered the lesser gods around his throne, and told them: 'I will create a queen to rule over Egypt'. Then accompanied by the messenger god Thoth, he went to the palace of King Thutmose I and taking the appearance of the pharaoh, appeared a the bed of his wife, Ahmose, who 'naturally rejoiced at his virility' and as 'the palace became inundated with the sent of God', he had his way with her.") → the Holy Spirit getting the Virgin Mary pregnant.

This summary to note is only the basic model as to how the Bible was written. The inquisitive reader is encouraged to consult the expert scholars in this field, such as Gary Greenberg.
Jesus (Horus)
The Christianity version (left) of the Virgin Mary-Holy Spirit parentage of the man-god Jesus, as compared to the the original Egyptian Ra theology version (right) of Osiris-Isis (Stella Maris) parentage of the man-god Horus, on which the former is based.

The name "Christianity" refers to the religion centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ; the term "Christ" itself deriving from the Greek kristos or “anointed”, in the sense that Jesus Christ means Jesus "rubbed with oil" (Mathew 26:12); a action that derives from the mummification process and resurrection sex ritual of the Egyptian process called the awakening of Osiris, who prior to being resurrected on the third day after death, had to have his phallus rubbed with oil in order to facilitate copulatory divine sex with his wife the goddess Stella Maris (star of the sea), otherwise known as Isis, in the form of a kite, who hovered over him, and her sister, the goddess Nephthys, all of which was depicted in a play, called the Passion of Osiris, reenacted each year on the Nile Delta.

Proof god does not exist
See main: Disproofs of the existence of god; God does not exist
The general laity type of individual, in contrast to the typical leading scientist (who tends to have no belief in god, whatsoever) tends to want a hold-on-to proof that God does not exist, prior to grasping on to an understanding of new alternatives that modern physical science presents to answer questions of human existence (e.g. the Lewis inequality theory of morality). The following is quick and short proof that God does not exist:

(a) The main God of the world’s belief systems, whether Abrahamic or Brahmaic, which accounts for about ¾-ths of the belief world's belief systems (Bible, Koran, Rig Veda, etc), is a derivative of the Egyptian theory that the sun is the creator god called Ra, self-generated from a primordial flood, land mound, or cosmic egg, or combination of these, called the Nun.
(b) In 1734, Swedish polymath Emanuel Swedenborg proposed the nebular hypothesis, which argues that the sun was not self-generated but rather ignited from the contraction of a nebula or fluid-like atmosphere of gases.
(c) The nebular hypothesis was soon thereafter confirmed by telescope observation and was presented in its finalized accepted form in French mathematician Pierre Laplace’s 1796 Exposition of the System of the World.
(d) In the 1920s, English astronomer Arthur Eddington added to the nebular hypothesis, by showing that the sun, being comprise of primarily the element hydrogen, burns or releases heat, via a process called proton-proton chain reaction, in which hydrogen converts to helium.
(e) In 1939, German-born American physicist Hans Bethe added the final pieces to Eddington’s proton-proton chain reaction model, by showing that a proton can beta decay into a neutron via the weak interaction during the brief moment of fusion, making deuterium the initial product in the chain.
(f) Points (b) through (e) prove that the sun is not a god, but rather a thermonuclear reaction in progress.
(g) Point (f) discredits the validity of the theory of point (a), and leads to the conclusion that God does not exist.

In other words, the gods of the major religions of the modern world, based on the Bible, Koran, Rig Vida, are all based on mythological gods, and hence do not exist. Certainly this is not the most rigorous proof one could come up with, nevertheless it does the job, freeing the mind to move on to more pressing problems at hand, such as explaining purpose, in the context of the movement of the observable universe.

See also
Christian captain parable

The following are related quotes:

Christianity is the fairytale of Christ.”
Johann Goethe (c.1810) [1]

Christianity is a mythology with which I am perfectly familiar so I naturally use it.”
Samuel Beckett (c.1950) [2]

1. Haught, James A. (1996). 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt (§: Johann Goethe, pgs. 105-07). Prometheus.
2. Waiting for Godot (philosophical) – Wikipedia.

External links
Christianity – Wikipedia.

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