In hmolscience, Edgar Poe (1809-1849) (IQ:175|#190) [RGM:55|1,260+] [GLA:14], commonly cited as “Edgar Allan Poe”, was American author, noted for []
Life / Non-life
In 1844, Poe, in his short story “Mesmeric Revelation”, in seeming discussion of Friedrich Wohler, gave a glimpse into the organic life (life) / inorganic life (non-life) mindset during this period. [1]
Literature chemistry
Poe, supposedly, is among the category of authors, in literature chemistry, who have explored the role of chemistry in literature. [1]
Olbers’ paradox
In 1848, Poe, in his Eureka, solved Olbers’ paradox, the paradox, pointed out by Edmund Halley, that if you add up all the light from all the stars in an infinite universe, the night sky would be infinitely bright. Poe pointed out that if the universe is of finite age then the sum of the light from all the stars if finite. [2]
Quotes | Insanity
See main: Insanity and genius
Poe, supposedly, went insane at one more more points:
“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”
— Edgar Poe (c.1840)
“Men have called me mad; but the question is not settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest of intelligence.”
— Edgar Poe (c.1845)
Quotes | By
The following are related quotes:
“Humanity is divided into men, women, and Margaret Fuller.”
— Edgar Poe (c.1840) (Ѻ)
“Improvement makes straight roads, but the crooked roads, without improvement, are roads of genius.”
— Edgar Poe (c.1840) (Ѻ)
“All religion is simply evolved out of chicanery, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.”
— Edgar Poe (c.1840) in FSM app
“The true genius shudders at incompleteness — imperfection — and usually prefers silence to saying the something which is not everything that should be said.”
— Edgar Allan Poe (c.1948), Marginalia
“Marking a book is literally an experience of your differences or agreements with the author. It is the highest respect you can pay him.”
— Edgar Poe (c.1840) (Ѻ)(Ѻ)
1. Poe, Edgar A. (1944). “Mesmeric Revelation”, Columbian Magazine, July.
2. Pratt-Smith, Stella. (2011). “Call for papers: Literature and Chemistry: Elective Affinities”, The British Society for Literature and Science, Interdisciplinary conference organized by the research group Literature and Science, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, The University of Bergen 27-28 October 2011.
3. (a) Rowan-Robinson, Michael. (1999). The Nine Numbers of the Cosmos (pg. 4). Oxford University Press.
(b) Olbers’ paradox – Wikipedia.
External links
● Edgar Allan Poe – Wikipedia.