Emotional roller coaster (175px)
A rendition of near-equilibrium, "hot and cold", up and down, relationships as emotional roller coasters. [4]
In terminology, emotion (TR=120), from the Latin e- ‘away’ + -movere ‘to move’, is a state or psycho-physical reaction, subjectively experienced as a strong feeling, physiologically involving changes that prepare the body for immediate vigorous action; used first in the 1570s in the sense of ‘a (social) moving, stirring, agitation’. [1]

The rate (Ѻ) at which people (human molecules), according to video recorded studies, absorb, process, and emit field particles, or emotional current, is 15-cycles per second. [6]

In 2011, American literature science scholar Richard Sha gave a talk on “The Chemistry and Physics of Romantic Emotion”, the opening abstract of which is as follows: [2]

“This essay considers what it means to think of the emotions in terms of physical force and chemical affinity and the role that romantic science played in making the emotions manageable. Emotion of course is etymologically connected to motion, and is derived from the Latin to move and to move out. I turn to physics and chemistry, the two disciplines that had the most to say about movement, to challenge the popular view that emotions embody subjectivity, and consequently to resist the narrow framing of emotions as a site of psychological intensity.”

The following are related quotes:

All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless goddess of distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people.”
Adolf Hitler (1925), Mein Kampf [5]

“In such accounts, mathematicians feature prominently as exemplars of the dehumanization process. This is comically expressed in William Rankine’s poem ‘The Mathematician in Love’ (1874). The mathematician is mocked for his inability to related emotionally to the young lady, and his obsession with formulas is duly punished in the living world, where emotions rather than abstractions are the accepted currency.”
— Roslynn Haynes (1994), From Faust to Strangelove [3]

See also
Emotional thermodynamics

1. (a) Emotion – Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 2000.
(b) Emotion – Online Etymology Dictionary.
2. Sha, Richard C. (2011). “The Chemistry and Physics of Romantic Emotion” (abs), Given at the "Mastering Emotions" Conference at Queen Mary, University of London in June.
3. Haynes, Roslynn. (1994). From Faust to Strangelove: Representations of the Scientist in Western Literature (pg. 85). John Hopkins University Press.
4. Thims, Libb. (2009). “Hot N Cold: Relationships | Katy Perry” (5:43-min; rollercoaster at 4:30), Human Chemistry 101, YouTube, Mar 4.
5. Hitler, Adolf. (1925). Mein Kampf, Volume 1 (ch. 3) (Ѻ). Publisher.
6. Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (Gottman stability ratio, pgs. 179-82). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.

External link
Emotion – Wikipedia.

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