Francois QuesnayIn existographies, Francois Quesnay (1694-1774) (IQ:165|#391), pronounced (Ѻ) “kay-nay” or “kuh-NAY”, was a French physician and economist, characterized a "clever man" (Mettrie, 1745) the "height of genius" in political economy (Marx, 1860), noted for []

In 1747, Quesnay, in his Essay on the Physics of Animal Economics, a treatise dedicated (Ѻ) to establishing the physical and chemical foundation of the nutrition, generation, and sensitivity of organisms, attached to the second edition an addendum entitled “Treatise on Fire”, wherein he posits, according to Mettrie (1745), that heat and cold play the main role in the formation of bodies. [1]

In 1758, Quesnay, in his Economic Table, outlined the ideas behind the “physiocrat”, from the Greek phýsis, meaning “nature,” and kràtos, meaning “power”, school of economics, e.g. that the source of economic strength or wealth is “land”, which is generally considered to be the first school of economic thinking. [2]

Quesnay was influential to Adam Smith, who began to read his work in 1764 while in France.

Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Quesnay:

“Never before had thinking in political economy reached such heights of genius.”
Karl Marx (c.1860), on Quesnay (Ѻ)

Quotes | By
The following are representative quotes:

“To secure the greatest amount of pleasure with the least possible outlay should be the aim of all economic effort.”
— Francois Quesnay (c.1758) (Ѻ)

“Calculations are to the economic science what bones are to the human body. Without them it will always be a vague and confused science, at the mercy of error and prejudice.”
— Francois Quesnay (c.1758) (Ѻ)

1. (a) Quesnay, Francois. (1747). Essay on the Physics of Animal Economics (Essai physique sur l’economie animale). Paris: Publisher.
(b) La Mettrie, Julien. (1751). Machine Man and Other Writings: Treatise on the Soul, Man as Plant, The System of Epicurus, Anti-Seneca or the Sovereign Good, Preliminary Discourse (translator and editor: Ann Thomson) (pg. 53). Cambridge University Press, 1996.
2. Tableau Economique (Francois Quesnay) –

External links
Francois Quesnay – Wikipedia.

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