Diet and genius
An genius and diet stylized image, from Eric Weiner’s 2016 article “Gastronomy of Genius: History of Great Minds and the Foods that Fueled Them”, showing: Albert Einstein, eating ice cream, Steve Jobs, eating carrots, Isaac Newton, eating an apple, Gandhi, drinking tea [?], Pythagoras, drinking hemlock [?] with his beans, Honore Balzac, eating a cherry with his 50 cups of daily coffee, and Marie Curie, drinking coffee [?] with her butter and bread. [2]
In genius studies, genius and diet refers to the dietary habits of geniuses.

It is a theory that smarter humans didn't evolve from less-intelligent ape-like ancestors until the apes gained access to rivers and began to eat fish; genius, accordingly, in part, is a function of diet. In nature, when animals kill, certain parts of the body are devoured first, such as the brain and eggs.

Two notable books on brain optimality and diet are: Udo Erasmus’ Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill (1993) and Jean Carper’s Your Miracle Brain: Maximize Your Brainpower, Boost Your Memory, Lift Your Mood, Improve Your IQ and Creativity, Prevent and Reverse Mental Aging (2000), both of which summarize scientific findings relating intellectual optimization and diet, e.g. that rats to better in maze tests when fed blueberries, and worse when fed pig fat.

Studies have shown that caffeine and calcium in brain cells, when working together, have a synergistic effect in respect to memory and brain power.

The great Voltaire was said to drink 40 cups of coffee a day. Warren Buffett at age 16, had read at least one hundred books on business (see: Buffett number); shortly thereafter, he entered the Wharton School of Finance, wherein upon arrival he reported that ‘he knew more than the professors’; on a return trip home, he was warned not to neglect his studies, to which he replied insouciantly: ‘all I need to do is open the book the night before and drink a big bottle of Pepsi-Cola and I’ll make 100’. American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, early on in his age 19 launched quest to master the hardest subjects and to discern the hidden secrets and puzzles of nature and existence, read that a famous 20,000+ person study of physicians showed that drinking upwards of 12 cups of coffee per day was did no harm, and has since steadily consumed 1-4 200mg caffeine per day along with continuous drinking of Diet Coke.

Chocolate consumption is a stable diet component of the genius. While the specifics of the mechanism are wanting, chocolate consumption is known to boost serotonin (Ѻ); flavonoids and magnesium of chocolate, supposedly, boost brain speed. (Ѻ)

Voltaire notably mixed his 40+ cups of coffee with chocolate. American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims learned early on, in his pre-engineering studies, that to excel on tests one needs to consume large amounts of chocolate, particularly brownies; he has daily consumed about 4-9 ounces, on average of Hershey bars, either with almonds (or with almonds and toffee chips) for some two decades. Jeanne Calment (1875-1997), the French supercentenarian who had the longest confirmed human life span in history, reacting to the age of 122-years, 164-days, ate more than two pounds of chocolate per week; rode a bike until she was 100, and had a penchant for foie gras (fattened duck liver).

Meat | Red
Red met contains oleic acid, which is the main component of myelin sheath, the white matter of the brain; the thicker sheath one has, the faster one thinks.

Warren Buffett has a strange penchant for hamburgers, to the exclusion of other foods; quote: "[Buffett] just eats hamburgers and drinks Pepsi-Colas" [Fred Stanback]. Oleic acid, one of the main oils of red meat, is the main component of myelin sheath, the white matter of the brain that surrounds never fibers: the thinker the sheath, the faster the firing of the nerve messages.

The association between milk and genius is puzzling phenomenon, the underlying nutritional reason of which remains to be discerned.

Oliver Heaviside, the person who condensed Maxwell's field equations with 20 variables down to four equations with two variables, had very specific food preferences and an unnatural interest in food. He sometimes lived like a cat, drinking bowls of milk for days. Milk, and nothing else. Strangely, as eccentric geniuses biographer Clifford Pickover reports (1998), Tesla also lived on milk, and for many years. Thomas Edison's only foods were milk and the occasional glass of orange juice. American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims frequently consumes 2-3 gallons of 1% milk (2% or sometimes whole) per week, especially so after long extended 10-hour+ periods of study, after which milk is the only thing that will quench and calm the brain. Richard Kirwan, the “brilliant 18th-century polymath”, as Pickover describes him, existed entirely on a diet of only milk and ham. Theodore Kaczynski, math prodigy turned unabomber, as noted by his college dorm mates, had a room piled with trash two feet deep underneath it all were what smelled like unused cartons of milk.

The most-famous film depiction of the genius milk phenomenon is the “come in with the milk” scene from the 2004 film The Aviator based on the existence reaction of American aviation and film pioneer Howard Hughes (see also: why is this site here), as shown adjacent, wherein one can count 60 milk bottles filled with urine.

Fish oil

The main brain nutrient of fish is DHA and EPA: the main component oil of the white matter of the brain. It is well known that babies fed DHA/EPA enhanced breast milk, result to have higher adulthood IQs. American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims attributes a large part of his early acceleration to the top 8 percent of his chemical engineering graduating class, starting from a dead bottom high school educational level, to fish oil: at one point, unknowingly, he was consuming so much fish oil, owing to his early body building dietary protein consumption needs, that at one point he was purchasing upwards of 9-10 cases (48 cans per case) of tuna-fish per shop; owing to mercury build up side affects, in the 2000s he switched over to Norwegian bottled cod liver oil (sometime after reading Udo Erasmus' 1993 Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill), which he drinks 2-3 times daily.

Other important nutrients for the genius mind include: nuts, oils (almond, walnut, flax), eggs (at least one per day drank raw) mixed into oil-protein-milk-oat-all bran shake; so as to keep uptake of the high usage rate of the brain.

While a few purported “vegetarian geniuses” exist, such as: Leonardo da Vinci and John Stewart, it is a general rule that one of the reasons that man evolved from ape was access to red meat and fish. Moreover, religious-based vegetarianism, such as found in India, have shown to yield the lower levels of intellectual development, as evidenced by laureates per capita. (Ѻ) Vegans lack access to oleic acid, and hence have thinner myelin sheath and therefore slower thinking.

While a certain amount of pig meat may be health in respect to the intellectual affects of the mind, e.g. adding a little bacon to one’s burger, studies show that rats fed pig meat do worse in mazes, the Morris water maze (1984), which tests learning and memory (Ѻ), in particular, as compared to other similar dies. One example of this is in Poland, the country with the highest import, exporter and consumer of pig products in the world, which seems to be the root of the “dumb Pole” joke.

“The Poles are advanced in knowledge; but their diets hold forth a dreadful scene of the conflict of private and public good.”
— John Stewart (c.1790), comment on the Poles, according to according to Ralph Griffiths

The hydro-carbon structure of pig fat, in short, seems to deter intellectual development.

The following are related quotes:

“May not genius be shown in arranging a man’s diet, exercise, sleep, reading, reflection, writing, etc., in the best order and proportion, for his improvement in knowledge?”
John Adams (1758). “What are the proofs, the characteristics of genius?”, Diary entry

See also
Milk and genius

1. (a) Adams, John. (1758), “On the Characteristics of Genius”, Diary Entry.
(b) Adams, John. Butterfield, L.H. (1966). The Earliest Diary of John Adams (pgs. 72-73) (editors: Lyman Butterfield, Wendell Garrett, Marc Friedlaender). Harvard University Press.
(c) Siemers, David J. (2010). Presidents and Political Thought (pg. 24). Missouri University Press.
2. Weiner, Eric. (2016). “Gastronomy of Genius: History of Great Minds and the Foods that Fueled Them” (Ѻ),, Mar 11.

Further reading
● Carper, Jean. (2000). Your Miracle Brain: Maximize Your Brainpower, Boost Your Memory, Lift Your Mood, Improve Your IQ and Creativity, Prevent and Reverse Mental Aging. Publisher.

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