A section of hand-written document, given to American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, wherein Gladyshev points out, in his early writings, where he says that "history can be predicted" by the methods of thermodynamics. |
See main: PredictionThe following is 2000 memo (in Russian) with a circa 2010 hand-written note (in English) by Gladyshev, sent to American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, in a package of Gladyshev's collected works on his various thermodynamic theories, wherein he points out that from some time, since at least the late 1990s, he has been under the strong conviction that "history can be predicted" using thermodynamics.
See main: Thermodynamic Theory of the Evolution of Living BeingsIn 1997, Gladyshev published his 142-page book Thermodynamic Theory of the Evolution of Living Beings, in Russian and English, in which he set forth the first unified theory of the origin and evolution of living beings from the view point of thermodynamics, built on the chemical thermodynamics work of American mathematical engineer Willard Gibbs. [1]
Gladyshev’s 2014 listing (Ѻ) in Jean de Climont’s The Worldwide List of Dissidents Scientists, of more than 8000 physics based natural scientists who have proposed alternative theories. |
Here, V is the volume of the system, m the mass of the selected microvolumes; x, y, and z the coordinates; the bar "–" means that the specific value is considered and the tilde "~" symbol indicating a heterogeneous system; the "im" superscript indicating the intermolecular component of the system.
Gladyshev's 1997 book, which explains evolutionary change via Gibbs' equilibrium criteria. [1] |
See main: Gladyshev: BiographyGladyshev was born September 19, 1936 in Alma-Ata, Russia. In 1959, he graduated from the Chemistry Department of the State University in Alma-Ata in and in 1962 received the Degree of Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) and a Doctorate Degree in polymer chemistry in 1966. He became Professor of Physical Chemistry in 1969. In about 1975, Gladyshev began working on the problem of the thermodynamics of the macro-biological scale.