In genius studies, greatest economist ever refers to []
Top 1000
The following is a work-in-progress listing of economists or thinkers who professed economic ideas, from the top 1000 geniuses rankings, ordered by established IQ rankings:
IQ | Economist | Rankings | Description | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | |||
1. | — 11 | (384-322BC) | Professed ideas on economics (Ѻ), published by him, his students, or a successor, such as Theophrastus. | |
3. | — 23 | (1848-1923) | (Schumpeter 10:5) | |
4. | — 183 | (1632-1704) | (Sedlacek 5:3) | (Cattell 1000:35) [RGM:108|1,500+] (Murray 4000:7|WP) (Gottlieb 1000:11) (Stokes 100:38) [HD:7] (FA:63) (GPhE:#) (CR:67) English physician and social philosopher; noted for his 1690 Essay Concerning Human Understanding, wherein, he made, supposedly, the first serious attempt to explain the functioning of the mind in purely naturalistic terms, WITHOUT the need for divine intervention in the development of reason;“Bacon, Locke, and Newton are the three greatest men that have ever lived, without any exception.” — Thomas Jefferson (1789), “Letter to John Trubull” close friends with Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton; oft-classified as dominant materialist alongside Thomas Hobbes; influential to the Lausanne school of physical economics; characterized by Baron d’Holbach as “profound” |
5. | — 125 | (1818-1883) | (CUG 10:2) (Schumpeter 10:1) (TFE 10:5) (Heilbroner 6:2) (Nasar 6:1) | [RGM:178|1,350+] (Scott 50:23) (CR:118|#37) (FA:102) German sociopolitical economic theorist; “It is the ultimate aim of this work, to lay bare the economic law of motion of modern society.” — Karl Marx (1867), Capital Noted for his work with Friedrich Engels on dialectical materialism (which led to communism) |
6. | — 307 | (1723-1790) | (CUG 10:1) (Sedlacek 5:5) (TFE 10:2) (Heilbroner 6:1) | |
7. | (1834-1910) | (Schumpeter 10:2) | ||
8. | — 14 | (1596-1650) | (Sedlacek 5:1) | “Economics started to develop at the time when his legacy received widespread recognition. The first economists widely discussed theories of knowledge, and all have proven to be successors to Descartes. His ideas were brought to England by John Locke and David Hume. Through them, Descartes’s teachings penetrated economics as well—and they have remained firmly built into it to this day. In no other social science were the Cartesian ideas accepted with as much enthusiasm as in economics.”— Tomas Sedlacek (2013) (Ѻ) See: Cartesian economics by Frederick Soddy. |
9. | — 379 | (1883-1946) | (CUG 10:3) (TFE 10:3) (Heilbroner 6:4) (Nasar 6:3) | |
10. | — 450 | (1766-1834) | (Heilbroner 6:5) | |
11. | — 391 | French physician and economist; characterized a "clever man" (Mettrie, 1745) the "height of genius" in political economy (Marx, 1860), noted for his 1758 Economic Table, which outlined the ideas behind the “physiocrat”, from the Greek phýsis, meaning “nature,” and kràtos, meaning “power”, school of economics, e.g. that the source of economic strength or wealth is “land”, which is generally considered to be the first school of economic thinking; influential to Adam Smith. | ||
12. | (1899-1992) | (TFE 10:4) | ||
13. | (1842-1924) | (Schumpeter 10:4) (CUG 10:10) | (CR:10) English economist; “Just as the motion of every body in the solar system affects and is affected by the motion of every other, so it is with the elements or the problem of political economy.” — Alfred Marshall (1872), review of Stanley Jevons’ 1871 Theory of Political Economy generally known for his supply and demand curves, sometimes cited, in the econophysics literature, as having employed remote thermodynamic stylized thinking in his economics theories, e.g. the notion that economies achieves an equilibrium state like that described for gases by James Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann; or to have used the conservation of energy or the first law in his utility theories. | |
14. | (1903-1994) | (CUG 10:5) | ||
15. | — 229 | (1935-1882) | (CR:28) English economist, natural philosopher, and oft-cited general polymath; “There exists much prejudice against attempts to introduce the methods and language of mathematics into any branch of the moral sciences. Most persons appear to hold that the physical sciences form the proper sphere of mathematical method, and that the moral sciences demand some other method, I know not what.” — Stanley Jevons (1871), Theory of Political Economy (pg. 3) noted for his theories on utility, for his no origin theory of life ideas, and for his statement of the three moral body problem; in 1869, he built a logic machine for doing Boolean algebra like truth tables; his Theory of Political Economy (1871), supposedly, employed a physics-based “particle theory” of people and firms in economics (Ѻ). | |
16. | (1772-1823) | (TFE 10:9) | [RGM:746|1,500+] | |
17. | — 69 | (1806-1873) | (Heilbroner 6:6) | |
18. | (1912-2006) | (CUG 10:4) (TFE 10:1) | ||
19. | (1867-1947) | (Schumpeter 10:8) | ||
20. | — 475 | (c.430-354) | (Cattell 1000:223) Greek philosopher, historian, soldier, mercenary, and student of Socrates; noted for his 362 book Oeconomicus (Ѻ), on “household management and agriculture", which is the origin of the word economics; first-slating: 160|#475 (Apr 2018). | |
21. | — 190 | (1845-1926) | ||
22. | (Sedlacek 5:2) | “There is no intrinsic worth in ‘money’, but what is alterable with the times, and whether a guinea goes for twenty pounds or for a shilling, it is the labor [work] of the poor and not the high and low value that is set on gold or silver, which all the comforts of life must arise from.” — Bernard Mandeville (c.1710), Publication (Ѻ) noted for his 1705 Fable of the Bees; term ‘Mandevillean’ (Ѻ) associates with his ideas; influential to: John Locke, Jonathan Swift, and Friedrich Hayek. | ||
23. | — 111 | (1711-1776) | (Sedlacek 5:4) | |
24. | — 165 | (1928-2015) | (CUG 10:6) | |
25. | (1915-2009) | (Nasar 6:5) | ||
26. | (1881-1973) | (TFE 10:7) (Nasar 6:4) | ||
27. | ||||
28. | (1874-1948) | (Schumpeter 10:9) | ||
29. | (1910-1985) | |||
30. | Carl Menger (1840-1921) | (Schumpeter 10:3) | ||
31. | Eugene Bawerk (1851-1914) | (Schumpeter 10:6) | ||
32. | Frank Taussig (1859-1940) | (Schumpeter 10:7) | ||
33. | (1858-1943) | (Nasar 6:2) | ||
34. | Henry George (1838-1897) | (Heilbroner 6:3) | ||
35. | (1933-) | (TFE 10:6) (Nasar 6:6) | ||
36. | (1930-) | (CUG 10:9) | ||
37. | Muhammad Yunus (1940-) | (CUG 10:7) | ||
38. | Joseph Stiglitz (1943-) | (TFE 10:8) | ||
39. | Daniel Kahneman (1934-) | (TFE 10:10) | ||
40. | (1967-) | (CUG 10:8) | American social economist; author of Freakonomics (2005). |
A depiction of six “economic geniuses”, namely: Karl Marx (first), Beatrice Webb (second), John Keynes (third), Ludwig Mises (fourth), Paul Samuelson (fifth), and Amartya Sen (sixth), from Sylvia Nasar’s 2011 Grand Pursuit: the Story of Economic Genius. [2] |
1. Karl Marx
2. Leon Walrus
3. Carl Menger
4. Alfred Marshall
5. Vilfredo Pareto
6. Eugene Bawerk
7. Frank Taussig
8. Irving Fisher
9. Wesley Mitchell
10. John Keynes
1. Adam Smith
2. Karl Marx
3. Henry George
4. John Keynes
5. Thomas Malthus
6. John Mill
1. Karl Marx
2. Beatrice Webb
3. John Keynes
4. Ludwig Mises
5. Paul Samuelson
6. Amartya Sen
1. Rene Descartes
2. Bernard Mandeville
3. John Locke
4. David Hume
5. Adam Smith
1. Adam Smith
2. Karl Marx
3. John Keynes
4. Milton Friedman
5. Jan Tinbergen
6. John Nash
7. Muhammad Yunas
8. Steven Levitt
9. Warren Buffett
10. Alfred Marshall
1. Milton Friedman
2. Adam Smith
3. John Keynes
4. Friedrich Hayek
5. Karl Marx
6. Amartya Sen
7. Ludwig von Mises
8. Joseph Stiglitz
9. David Ricardo
10. Daniel Kahneman
“Never before had thinking in political economy reached such heights of genius.”— Karl Marx (c.1860), on Francois Quesnay (Ѻ)