Herbert WellsIn existographies, Herbert Wells (1866-1946) (IQ:155|#643) [RGM:162|1,500+] (CR:10), aka “H.G. Wells”, was an English writer, futurist, and philosopher, characterized a “lower middle-class academic prodigy” (Stiles, 2009), noted for []

In 1893, Wells, aged 27, wrote the following prediction, in respect to what humans would evolve into in a million years (compare: C.G. Darwin, 1952): [2]

“The descendents of man will nourish themselves by immersion in nutritive fluid. They will have enormous brains, liquid, soulful eyes, and large hands, on which they will hop. No craggy nose will they have, no vestigial ears; their mouths will be a small, perfectly round aperture, unanimal, like the evening star. Their whole muscular system will be shriveled to nothing, a dangling pendant to their minds.”
— Herbert Wells (1893), “Man of the Year Million” [1]

The editors of Punch magazine, in reference to this view, made the following illustration:

Humans (1M years from now)


In 1887, Wells, age 21, after attending the Normal School of Science, in South Kensington, now part of the University of London, during which time he studies biology (chnopsology) or physiology under Thomas Huxley, left school without earning a degree. Wells then went on, under the spell of Huxley’s pessimism, to probe the consequences of evolutionary theory run amok, in novels such as: The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896), The War of the Worlds (1898), and The First Men in the Moon (1901). [2]

Quotes | On

The following are quotes on Wells:

“In the early nineteen-twenties it had become clear that natural science and technology would continue their triumphant advances while the social and humane studies, in order to reduce their tragic lag, would need to be equipped with methods far more effective than archaic types of merely verbal reasoning. With untrammeled enthusiasm of a youthful PhD in physics, I expected to find a general sympathy with this [social physics] program but the case was otherwise. There is a proverb that ‘in the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king’, the falsity of which has been depicted in the story by H.G. Wells. One has to find for himself that in the country of the blindmeaning university faculties and their learned societies—the one-eyed man meets with lifted eyebrows.”
John Q. Stewart (c.1955), commentary on the friction involved in his decade-long effort to get “social physics” established at Princeton

Quotes | By
The following are quotes by Wells:

“He was a practical electrician fond of whiskey, a heavy, red-haired brute with irregular teeth. He doubted the existence of a deity but accepted Carnot’s cycle, and he had read Shakespeare and found him weak in chemistry.”
— H.G. Wells (1906), "Lord of the Dynamos" (Ѻ); in: The Door in the Wall, and Other Stories (see: thermodynamic bible) [1]

1. (a) Wells, H.G. (1906). The Door in the Wall, and Other Stories, Lord of the Dynamos, Chapter 7; The Daily Chronicle, Summer No. July 14th.
(b) Gaither, Carl C. and Cavazos-Gaither, Alma E. (2002). Chemically Speaking: a Dictionary of Quotations (pg. 125). CRC Press.
2. (a) Wells, Herbert G. (1893). “Man of the Year Million”; paraphrased in Punch, “1,000,000 AD” (pg. 250), Nov 25.
(b) Stiles, Anne. (2009). “Literature in ‘Mind’: H.G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad Scientist” (jst), Journal of the History of Ideas, 70(2):317-39, Apr.

External links
H.G. Wells – Wikipedia.

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