In atheism, Hindu atheism, as contrasted with Christian atheism, Islamic atheism, or Jewish atheism, refers to disbelief in god from the point of view of one coming from a Hinduism religious background or Hindu cultural milieu; the term “ex-Hindu atheist” is sometimes used as an auto-label by this type of atheist.

In 600BC, the Charvaka, an Indian heterodox philosophical school, arose, who produced Brihaspati Sutra, which outlined an “extraordinary materialistic doctrine” (Hecht, 2004), which was averse to the Brahman class, that was an atheistic materialism school of Indian philosophy that embraces philosophical skepticism and rejects Vedas, Vedic ritualism, supernaturalism, and afterlife.

The following are related quotes:

“Though I agree with Buddhism in its rejection of god, soul, infallibility of the Vedas, still I am not a Hindu, even in the broad sense of the term ‘Hindu’, because as a rationalist and humanist I reject all religions.”
— Ramendra Nath (1993), “Why I A Not a Hindu” [1]

1. (a) Nath, Ramendra. (1993), “Why I A Not a Hindu” (ΡΊ), Bihar Rationalist Society.
(b) Ramendra Nath –
(c) Hecht, Jennifer M. (2003). Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas (pgs. 480-81). HarperOne.

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