A May 2020 cover of Libb Thims’ Human Chemical Thermodynamics, then at the 215-page draft level. [9] |
In human thermodynamics, human chemical thermodynamics (HCT), or the chemical thermodynamics of systems of reactive humans, each person viewed as "molecule-like" potentially reactive thing, as contrasted with the "human statistical thermodynamics", the statistical thermodynamics of systems of "particle-like" conceptualized humans, framed in the Boltzmann chaos assumption, is the study of human existence, experience, and function according to the logic of pure and applied chemical thermodynamics — utilizing specifically the powered CHNOPS+20 element thing, aka “human molecule” or human chemical perspective, namely one in which a human is defined specifically as a reactive chemical species or powered animate molecule, and a social system is considered as a system of reactive chemical entities. [1]
Pre-history | Etymology
In 1934, Harold Blum, in his “A Consideration of Evolution from a Thermodynamic View-Point”, cited Lawrence Henderson (1913) and Gilbert Lewis (1923), to outline a coupling theory plus free energy decrease based theory of orthogenesis (directional-change) conceptualized evolution, in the explicitly-stated "religious-free" form of what he refers to as "chemical peneplanation", i.e. an synonym the semi-modern term Gibbs landscapes, as seems to be the case. [5]
In 1935, Lawrence Henderson, using an admixture of Vilfredo Pareto and Willard Gibbs, outlined the general subject of physicochemical humanities, which he tested out via the Harvard Pareto circle and his Sociology 23 course
In 1971, Frederick Rossini, gave his "Chemical Thermodynamics in the Real World" Priestly medal address, wherein he outlined the subject of human chemical thermodynamics, in conceptual prototype, albeit deistically rooted.
In 1987, Mirza Beg introduced what he referred to as physicochemical sociology, a precursor of sorts to human chemical thermodynamics, albeit one religiously-rooted. [6]
In 1995, Libb Thims, as a chemical engineering student, began working on the idea (see: this idea) of chemical thermodynamics applied to human mating interactions, as a sort of puzzle-solving plaything; eventually solving some of the puzzle in 2001, beginning to publish some of these ideas online in 2005.
In c.2000, Christopher Hirata, in his “The Physics of Relationships: a Thermochemical Approach to Relationships”, outlined, via an overt humor stance, some basics of macro aspects chemical thermodynamics of reacting humans.
In 2007, Libb Thims, in his Human Chemistry (2007), building on Rossini, and others, coined the term human chemical thermodynamics as follows: [2]
“The theory of human chemical bonding, aside from human chemical thermodynamics, is one of the more difficult topics to write on in a rigorous form.”
In 2001, David Hwang, in his “The Thermodynamics of Love”, outlined, via an overt humor stance, some basics of micro aspects chemical thermodynamics of reacting humans.
The central approach, in this mode of logic, is to assume the "human molecule" perspective, where people are modeled as molecules, chemical species, or chemical complexes, having human chemical reactions with each other, all viewed from the advanced perspective, the set of which defines the ongoing or underlying process of evolution, what is more correctly called coupled synthesis and analysis. [2]
Human chemical thermodynamicists
See also: IQ:200+ HCT prodigies
Historically, seven people, independently, have written theory on human chemical thermodynamics — employing the explicit view or mindset that humans are reactive bonding-debonding molecules governed by affinity, enthalpy, entropy, and or free energy, i.e. chemical thermodynamics — three of whom (Goethe, Beg, Thims), shown bolded, doing so directly, in a prolonged manner, and using peer review, one (Henderson) doing so implicitly (soft comparisons) in a prolonged manner, and three (Hirata, Hwang, and Pati) doing so in the "fun joke" style of one time article-style (or blog style) publication, of a semi-humorous, semi-serious mental note, three of whom (Goethe, Thims, Hirata) independently cited with an IQ in the 225 range:
To state things another way, among the 500+ known HT pioneers, some 40± are human free energy theorists; and among these only eight, listed above, are "human chemical thermodynamicists"—explicitly conceptualizing humans as "molecules" (or chemicals) reacting "chemical thermodynamically" to each other—a very niche classification, to say the least. Rossini's presentation, however, to note is implicit (see: Rossini debate).
With the 2005-launching of the Journal of Human Thermodynamics and 2008-launching of Hmolpedia, by Thims, the subject of "human chemical thermodynamics" is now no longer easily arrived at independently, being that Thims, as of 2011 now requires JHT submitting authors to include a "human thermodynamics variable table", in which the specifically state clearly, not only exact definitions for each variable used in the article, but also, on the 1892 precedence set by Irving Fisher, former Gibbs protege, specifically define how exactly they conceptualize the human: molecule, particle, chemical (species, substance, atomic geometry), engine, etc.
Human statistical thermodynamics
The following are related quotes:
“Christopher Langan claims to have an IQ of 195-210, but IQ tests can't measure that high. IQs of that level are determined by works created by the individual. Christopher Hirata, for instance, is estimated to have an IQ of 225 because of his independent arrival at ‘human chemical thermodynamics’, also independently arrived at by Libb Thims and Johann Goethe. Langan's only work of note is his ‘cognitive-theoretic model of the universe’, which is widely agreed to be a bunch bollocks. Like seriously, some of it is actually just nonsensical blabbering. And not in the way that people just might not be smart enough to understand it, but the way that it literally makes no grammatical sense.” — Ben Shapiro (2014), Debate: All Christians are Smart and Atheists are Dumb” (Ѻ), Debate.org, Sep 17
“Human chemical thermodynamics is a field that studies human existence, experience, and function according to the logic of pure and applied chemical thermodynamics, thinking of humans as a system of chemical species or molecules that react with social agents.”
— Yu-Hang Kim (2016), Outsiders Struggle for the Search for Truth Against the Seven Pillars of Science (§10)
“In the twenty-first century, the evolution of chemistry as it pertains to man is now known as ‘human chemical thermodynamics’.”
— Jonathan Arante (2017), “An Assessment of the Sociocultural Evolution Among Selected Filipino Stay-at-Home Fathers” [8]
“Johann Goethe popularized the idea that the ‘laws of chemical affinity’ may also govern human behavior, despite it hailing to at least the 1600s, which has now become the niche and obscure field of ‘human chemical thermodynamics’. It delves into the idea that as human genetics and biology are controlled predominantly – in the view of our present scientific understanding (and Goethe’s), however accurate it may be – by chemical reactions, similar laws must govern human beings and our relationships.” — Ashley Kent (2018), “Self Harming” (Ѻ), Vocal.Media
- References
1. Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (pre). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
2. Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (human chemical thermodynamics, pg. viii) (pre). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
3. (a) Hwang, David. (2001). “The Thermodynamics of Love” (WB) (pdf), Journal of Hybrid Vigor, Issue 1, Emory University.
(b) Pati, Surva P. (2009). “The Thermodynamics of Human Bond!”, Sep. 09, MentalProjections.Blogspt.com.
4. Thims, Libb. (2014-15/16). Chemical Thermodynamics: with Application in the Humanities (pdf). Publisher.
5. (a) Henderson, Lawrence. (1913). The Fitness of the Environment: An Inquiry into the Biological Significance of the Properties of Matter. MacMillan Company.
(b) Lewis, Gilbert N. (1923). Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances (secretary: Merle Randall). McGraw-Hill.
(c) Blum, Harold F. (1934). “A Consideration of Evolution from a Thermodynamic View-Point” (abs), presented at the 94th meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Jun 20, in: The American Naturalist, 69(723):354-69, Jul-Aug, 1935.
6. Beg, Mirza Arshad Ali. (1987). New Dimensions in Sociology: a Physico-Chemical Approach to Human Behavior (abs) (intro) (pdf, annotations by Libb Thims, 2014) (individual, pg. 23). Karachi: The Hamdard Foundation.
7. Susan, Goldsmith. (1999). “The Wizard of Pasadena” (
Ѻ) (
New Times Los Angeles, Jun 17.
8. Arante, Jonathan I. (2017). “An Assessment of the Sociocultural Evolution Among Selected Filipino Stay-at-Home Fathers”, in:
Applied Psychology Readings: Selected Papers from Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology, 2017 (§:123-47; quote,
pg. 141). Springer, 2018.
9. Thims, Libb. (2020).
Human Chemical Thermodynamics — Chemical Thermodynamics Applied to the Humanities: Meaning, Morality, Purpose; Sociology, Economics, Ecology; History, Philosophy, Government, Anthropology, Politics, Business, Jurisprudence; Religion, Relationships, Warfare, and Love (
pdf). Publisher.