In thermodynamics, human thermodynamics (definitions) refers to concise definitions of the science of human thermodynamics, some of which are listed below, chronologically:


Human thermodynamics concerns the subjects of vital heat of the body; experiments on the amount of heat developed by human beings when in action, measurement of oxygen inhaled; respiration shown to be the principle source of heat.”
Bryan Donkin [1]
Human thermodynamics is the statistical mechanics of conservative dynamical systems of human molecules.”
C.G. Darwin [2]
Human thermodynamics is the application of mathematical formula and principles of thermodynamics to the economic and social sciences.”
Mehdi Bazargan [3]
Human thermodynamics is the chemical thermodynamic study of human molecular reaction life.”
Libb Thims [4]

See also
Thermodynamics (definitions)

1. Donkin, Byran. (1893). “The Scientific Work of Gustav Adolph Hirn in 7 Chapters (1845-1888)” (pgs. 145-201); Ch. V: Human thermodynamics, pg. 176-83)”, Transactions of the Manchester Association of Engineers (table of contents: human thermo-dynamics, pg. 176). Herald & Walker Printers.
2. Darwin, Charles G. (1952). The Next Million Years (pg. 26), London: Rupert Hart-Davis.
3. Bazargan, Mahdi. (1956). Love and Worship or Thermodynamics of Humans (Farsi: Eshq va Parastesh ya Thermodynamic-e Ensan) (Persian PDF: عشق و پرستش ي ا ترمودينام يك انسان) (human thermodynamics, pg. 4). Tehran: Enteshar Publications.
4. Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume Two) (Ch. 16: "Human Thermodynamics", pgs. 653-702, definition, pg. 653). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.

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