In quotes, human thermodynamics quotes are those passages, quotations, and definitions, tabulated below, using the specific term "human thermodynamics" and or thermodynamics of humans or people.
“Contributions to the thermodynamics of scientific humanism [concerns] insights on the nature of time, [as in] personal or psychological time, and refers to the unification of the specialized sciences effected by the contributions they make to the proper study of mankind, man’s nature and destiny.”— Alfred Ubbelohde (1947), Time and Thermodynamics [2]
“Human thermodynamics [concerns] vital heat of the body; experiments on the amount of heat developed by human beings when in action, measurement of oxygen inhaled; respiration shown to be the principle source of heat.”— Bryan Donkin (1893), commentary on the work of Gustave Hirn [1]
“Through determining some kind of laws of human thermodynamics, we shall be more successful in doing good in the world. I am going to try to see what these laws of human thermodynamics are; of course they cannot be expected to have the hard outline of the laws of physical science, but still I think some of them can be given a fairly definite form.”— C.G. Darwin (1952), The Next Million Years [3]
“There are no known laws of human thermodynamics.”— Howard Green (1954), review of C.G. Darwin’s The Next Million Years [4]
“Because of such imponderables and the uncertainties of human thermodynamics, I left the hired man on my suspect-list. I rated him ‘maximum opportunity, minimum motive’.”— Theodore Roscoe (1959), Only in New England [5]
“Sometimes I think there’s a law of absolute conservation of misery in our lives. Some unchangeable first law of human thermodynamics. The amount of unhappiness you’re going to experience is fixed.”— William Manville (1977), Goodbye [6]
“Based on identities of adhesion, individuals are seen as a mass, as numbers, independent of their molecular wealth. The molar group organizes a kind of human thermodynamics, an exteriorized channeling of behavior and character that squanders individual qualities.”— Pierre Levy (1994), Collective Intelligence [7]
“It's just human thermodynamics, my friend,” John said stiffly, “you're inside the jaws of laws beyond your ken.”— Forbes Allan (1999), Milton's Progress
“Our school tragedies are an early warning of something inherent in the laws of human thermodynamics.”— John Gatto (2000), The Underground History of American Education [9]
“The novel [Doctor Faustus] is in one sense a study in human thermodynamics—what it takes to make certain kinds of total and fundamental changes. In totally starting over, as opposed to gradually starting evolution, the Nazi experience suggests that what is necessary is a collective quantity of energy that is available only in the primitive and unconscious human energy centers, those energy centers deposited by hundreds of thousands of years of survival tactics—the reptile centers in our brains.”— John Anderson (2006), Mann’s Doctor Faustus [10]