In existographies, John Lydus (490-c.560) (CR:2), aka “Johannis Lydus” (Barry, 1999), “Ioannis Lydus”, or “John the Lydian”, was Lydian antiquarian scholar, who, in retirement, published books in the area of the antiquities of Rome, employing the works (now lost) of old Roman writers on similar subjects, noted for []

In 552, Ludus lost the favor of Justinian I (482-565), and was dismissed. In his retirement, he began to publish a number of books, based on Roman antiquity, and earlier scholars of Roman antiquity.

In c.555, Ludus in his On Months (De Mensibus), a book on a history of the different pagan festivals of the year; this was semi-influential to a number of later religio-mythology scholars, such as Samuel Dunlap (1861) and David Fideler (1993). [3]

Lydus, supposedly, at one point in his works, noted that the Egyptians used a symbol in the form of the Greek theta ‘Θ’ (see: alphabet) for the cosmos, with an airy fiery circle representing the world, and a snake, spanning the middle, representing the agathos daimon or ‘good spirit’; which would seem to correspond to what we now call the "ouroboros". [1]

Quotes | By
The following are quotes by Lydus:

Time is the creator as well as the destroyer of its own progeny.”
— John Lydus (c.540), De Mensibus (I,1) [2]

1. (a) Barry, Kieren. (1999). The Greek Qabalah: Alphabetical and Mysticism and Numerology in the Ancient World (pg. 73). Publisher.
(b) Theta (2007) – Schools Wikipedia.
2. Grigoriadis, Iordanis. (1995). “Linguistic and Literary Studies in the ‘Epitome Historian’ of John Zonaras” (Ѻ), PhD thesis, University of St. Andrews, Jul 20.
3. (a) Dunlap, Samuel. (1861). Sod: the Son of Man (Lydus, 2+ pgs). Publisher.
(b) Fideler, David. (1993). Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christianity (Lydus, pg. 370). Publisher.

External links
John the Lydian – Wikipedia.

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