In human thermodynamics, the laws of human thermodynamics are set of hypothetical laws of thermodynamics, supposedly differing in some way from the standard laws, that supposedly govern human or human molecular actions.
In 1952, English physicist C.G. Darwin stated the following:
“If we determine ‘some kind of laws of human thermodynamics’ we shall be more successful in doing good in the world.”
Moreover, he concludes by saying that "I am going to try to see what these laws of human thermodynamics are; of course they cannot be expected to have the hard outline of the laws of physical science, but still I think some of them can be given a fairly definite form." Curiously, he reasons that it will be up to "someone more skilled in biology than he is to perfect, or perhaps correct, his attempts at a possible formulation of the laws of human thermodynamics." Correctly, to clarify, knowing that biology is a softer science (mathematically speaking), he should have said that this task would soon likely be completed by someone more skilled in a harder science such as physical chemistry or chemical thermodynamics. Very few publications in thermodynamics ever come from the biologists.
In 1972, American political theorist Marlan Blissett discussed the laws of social thermodynamics. [5]
In 1999, Forbes Allan, in his book Milton's Progress, in a conversation between to scientists, stated: [2]
“It's just human thermodynamics, my friend," John said stiffly, "you're inside the jaws of laws beyond your ken." That's an acer poem, he decided, which nicely sums up the plight of humankind and the worthlessness of being. "Maybe I've stumbled on a new law of physics!" it flashed on him suddenly: " -- that life-driven anti-entropic processes are an integral component of all second law activities and provide an engine with which to accelerate the overall degradation of energy into heat! ... Or wouldn't that be a 'fourth' law of thermodynamics?”
In 2000, American schooling advocate John Gatto said the following: [4]
“Our school tragedies are an early warning of something inherent in the laws of human thermodynamics.”
In 2002, German physicist Ingo Müller referred to what he called first law of socio-thermodynamics and second law of socio-thermodynamics found in conjunction with discussions on the working and heating aspects of human life. [3]
1. Darwin, Charles G. (1952). The Next Million Years (pg. 26), (Scribd). London: Rupert Hart-Davis.
2. Allan, Forbes. (1999). Milton's Progress, Chapter 21, Rowanlea Grove Press.
3. Müller, Ingo. (2002). Socio-thermodynamics – integration and segregation in a population, P: Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 14, 384-404, 2002.
4. Gatto, John T. (2000). The Underground History of American Education (ch. 17: The Politics of Schooling, section: “The Planetary Management Corporation”). Oxford Village Press.
5. (a) Weinberg, Alvin M. (1967). Reflections on Big Science. MIT Press.
(b) Blissett, Marlan. (1972). Politics in Science (section: Big Science and the Laws of Social Thermodynamics, pg. 25-35; term: entropy, pgs. 26, 53, 66, etc.). Little, Brown and Co.