Thims (1995)Libb Thims (Fall 1994 to Fall 1995 engineering classes)
Left: a mock picture of Thims at the Dow building, home to the chemical engineering department of the University of Michigan, in which American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, in circa 1995, began to ruminate on the nature of mate selection in relation to the application of chemical thermodynamic reaction spontaneity prediction (ΔG < 0) to human mating relationships viewed as purely human chemical reactions. Right: Thims' 1994-1995 coursework, during which time, in one of these classes (thermodynamics I, thermodynamics II, physical chemistry, or heat and mass transfer) the seed for the search to understand the subject of "human chemical thermodynamics" was planted.
In hmolscience, Libb Thims (history) page traces the origin and development of the work of American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims' in the newly-forming sciences of human chemistry, human physics, and human thermodynamics, physical humanities, and human chemical thermodynamics.

From an early age, Libb Thims was very curious about some of the deeper questions of existence, such as “what exactly constitutes a ‘wrong’ action?” (see: moral movement), “what happens to a person when they die? (no bull sħit )” (see: defunct theory of life), “what is the utility of this ‘buzz’ we get from various activities, things, and people in existence?” (see: Captain → Major) , “what ‘rules’ are to be used when selecting for the perfect mate?” (see: how to pick the right one?External link icon (c) (2003); perfect love), “what is the point of every thing?”, “why does the universe ‘force’ a person to have some sort of plan when transitioning into adulthood?”, “why is physical attractiveness inversely proportional to neurological attractiveness?” (see: Beckhap's law), “how accurate is the good genes hypothesis?”, “why exactly is a person supposed to get married?”, “is there some formula, from science, that is able to model, calculate, or to define love?” (see: equation of love), “what is the whole deal with religion—is it all evolved mythology?” (see: Ra theology), “why are we physically attracted to people who differ from our own complexion and ethnicity by a certain amount?” (see: 15 degree rule; sweaty T-shirt study), “why are we extremely attracted to people who are confident in areas where we are insecure?” (see: dodecabond hypothesis), “what does it mean when a person exclaims they ‘are so full of life’?” (see: ???), “why should a person’s family wealth and status make them more attractive?” (see: ???), “what if everything a person does to advance themselves, results to get people to fall for them for the wrong reasons (vanity)?” (see: Anton Chigurh quote: “If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” (Ѻ)) (see: coupling theory), and “is the point of everything, for a man, simply (a) get a fancy job, (b) hook the right fish?” (see: coupling theory), etc.

Male female molecular symbols (c.2002)
Circa 2002 hand-written notes by American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, in the front matter of his copy of Matt Ridley’s Genome: the Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (1999), wherein he is attempting to formulate a chemical symbol notation for a male Mx, female Fy, and baby Bc, per the reproductive reaction, Thims had in mind, in his early years of theory development (1995-2003):

1995: Male + Female → Baby

2001: M(s) + F(s) goes to B(c) (2001)

2002: Mx + Fy → Bc

prior to his circa 2003 realization that the human reproduction reaction was a double displacement reaction of the form:

2003: AB + CD → AC + BD

where the molecular components "B" and "D" are the germ cells of each person, i.e. sperm and egg, AC is a dihumanide molecule, in possession of a human chemical bond "A≡C", in which a quantifiable amount of Gibbs free energy is stored, in the form of bond energy, per the Fritz Lipmann coupling theory, and BD is the newly-formed child at the point of parental detachment (age 18).

Two of the earliest queries, puzzled over before entering grade school, circa age three to six, were the questions: “where does god live?” (asked to an elder) (see: Dawkins number) and “what is this sense of evil felt in regard to the accidental destruction of life? (pondered in the mind, after a newly found blue-green bird’s nest egg was accidentally (or possibly not accidentally?) dropped off a second story balcony, falling to the ground, to crack open).

Short history
The following is a short history, previously written up and posted online in 2005: [12]

First, on 15 Nov 2001 at 3:00 AM, Thims solved the problem of applying the Gibbs free energy equation

∆G = ∆H – T∆S

to the human reaction mechanism, i.e. human life; after seven year’s worth of puzzle dabbling.

Second, on 12/05/01, Thims decided it would be advisable to write a short book to present this solution; having never before had any aspirations to write.

Third, through 2002-03 Thims read approximately 250 variegated books in efforts to determine if such a presentation had already been said, done, and discarded; resultantly, only a few partial presentations were found—none being fully defined.

Fourth, by 11/10/03 an 850-pg rough draft was in place. This crude copy was then filtered through the first reviewer, a University of Chicago MBA graduate, for ‘likeability’ and ‘understandability’. This reviewer liked, understood, agreed with everything.

Fifth, in 2004 Thims began filtering the book through about 12 reviewers.

Sixth, by 2005 Thims decided to split the now 1,000-pg book titled ‘Human Thermodynamics’ [encompassing 500 scientific references, 50 original research projects, 2,000 in-person survey data points, and 10 proofs] into three separate volumes [VI-VIII].


Excel spreadsheet
See main: Thims thought experiment; See also: Love thought experiment
Skipping forward about a dozen or so years, in circa 1992-1993, in an attempt to figure out how to go about choosing who to marry, as a freshman pre-engineering student, Thims made an excel-style spread sheet table of the top nineteen girlfriends, whom he could potentially marry, listing each person on the horizontal and listing a range of point ranked attributes, qualities, or factors on the vertical, in an attempt to get a numerical "marriage quality value" for each girlfriend. The resulting solutions, however, did not seem to intuitively make any sense.

The original table spreadsheet has since been destroyed (similar to Goethe who destroyed all the notes, tables, and drafts that went into his Elective Affinities). A mock reconstruction of Thims' circa 1992 trait-based mate selection table, using random female photos (and hotness rating) from and mock traits (and scores), is shown below:

G1 | 5.0
G2 | 6.2
G3 | 6.1
G4 | 5.6
G5 | 7.2
G6 | 5.8
G7 | 5.9
G8 | 6.7
G9 | 6.4
G10 | 4.3
G11 | 5.3
G12 | 5.2
G13 | 4.6
G14 | 6.0
G15 | 6.0
G16 | 6.2
G17 | 6.6
G18 | 7.7
G19 | 5.3

The resulting solutions, however, did not seem to intuitively make any sense. The one who is physically the "hottest" according to general opinion is female #18 (Ella), who scores 7.7 on the hot or not 1-10 scale. Heat, however, as Thims would come to learn, if this number is indeed representative of physical heat, is not the sole determining factor of whether a reaction will go, as the debacle of the famous thermal theory of affinity showed. The one who scores the highest on the meta-ranking method is female #9 (Ava), who scores 140. Sometime herein, before, or after, Thims began to read up on mate selection, evolutionary psychology, physical attractiveness research, etc., to study the issue further (see: Thims' mate selection book collection).

The subject of the governing relation of the interactions of human relationship with that of chemical thermodynamics originated in circa 1995 during Thims' years as a chemical engineering student at the University of Michigan and his curiosity as to how the spontaneity criterion of chemical thermodynamics applies to the successfulness of mate selection or prediction in the action of love the chemical reaction.

In this period, and the years to follow, Thims began to seek a thermodynamic understanding of the human existence process, especially as thermodynamics relates to mate selection and the nature of love.

Evolution of desire
The results on David Buss' circa 1993 occupation versus sexual receptiveness study, which intuited to Libb Thims, in circa 2001, that this preference effect must be connected and quantifiable to changes in the statemeasurement of the entropy of a person or couple.
Evolutionary psychology
In 1993, David Buss conduced a sexual receptiveness study (see: Buss sexual receptivity study), per occupation of the male; the results of which are shown below:

Buss sexual receptivity study (1993)

In this study, conducted by Buss and his graduate student Jennifer Semmelroth, 109 college women were asked how flattered the would feel by either being asked out on a date or (in a second study) by an outright sexual proposition by various men, differing by occupation, on a Likert scale of 7 'most upset' to 1 'least upset'.

In c.1994-1995, Thims came across David Buss' newly-published 1994 book The Evolution of Desire, which contained the above study, containing the results of a robust study on mate selection of 10,000 people of all ages from thirty-seven cultures worldwide, which presented a rather eye-opening and straight-forward look at the nuts and bolts of mate selection, in regards to what specific factors affect sexual attractiveness and sexual repulsiveness, from both the male and female perspective.

In a thermodynamic point of view, occupation is pure measure of work, in a physical sense, whereas, similarly, the closer the typical man is to the 'least upset' range (1.00), the easier it will be for him to date or have sex with a 'hotter' female, in a physical sense, and with human thermodynamics being the study of the relationship between heat and work and other forms of energy, involved in the dynamics of human systems, the results of the above study is representative of quintessential human thermodynamics.

This obvious and quantifiable pattern in sexual receptiveness, in the mind of Thims, was something that had to have a governing connection to the spontaneity criterion of chemical thermodynamics: [1]

ΔG < 0 (spontaneous or energetically “favored” reaction)

and in particular to changes in the state variables of enthalpy change and entropy change:

∆G = ∆H – T∆S

as Thims was learning it in his chemical engineering thermodynamics coursework at the University of Michigan. These two aspects functioned as fundamental anchor points in the mind of Thims.

Some time in this period, while learning the subject of chemical engineering thermodynamics, according to the textbook of American chemical engineer Stanley Sandler, at one point, during lectures, Thims had the urge to raise his hand in class and ask how chemical thermodynamics applies to predictions of human relationships, but for whatever reason he kept mum and instead sought to figure out the subject on his own.

In any event, in the years to follow his thermodynamics classes, having never before read anything about his previously, Thims began his search of the literature as a sort of passing hobby.

The seeds of the puzzle thus remained planted in Thims' mind.

During the course of followup investigation, in the years to follow, Thims began to wonder if anyone had ever applied the logic of chemical reaction prediction, as embodied in standard thermodynamic tables of free energies, enthalpies, and entropies, to the extrapolative prediction of human chemical reactions, such as between potential intimate pairs in reproductive reactions?

For the next several years the situation remained a nearly black box puzzle, with the logic of the situation, i.e. how chemical thermodynamics, particularly the Gibbs free energy equation:

∆G = ∆H – T∆S

relates to mate selection, being a personal and confusing riddle of sorts:

ΔG < 0 signifies a spontaneous (energetically favored) reaction
ΔG > 0 signifies a non-spontaneous reaction (one that would require energy)

Over the next six years, Thims kept the problem in the back of his head, and from time-to-time tried to figure it out on scratch paper and readings of potentially related works. The basic problem, as Thims saw it during these years, was to figure out how the ubiquitous basic human reproduction:

A + B → C

in which A and B are the reactants (the dating pair) and C is the product (a 15-year old child) could be predicted using the standard Gibbs free energy equation:


supposing that person A was to be hypothetically paired up with three potential mates (B, D, E):

A + B → Child

A + D → Child

A + E → Child

In short, how would one use the logic of chemical thermodynamics and its ability to predict reactions to help them determine who they should marry? In other words, which of the above reactions, 1, 2, or 3, would be more spontaneous and thus more energetically favored?
Human entropy (Hawking diagram)
English astrophysicist Stephen Hawking's 1996 human neurological entropy change diagram associated with the reading of a book.

The puzzle, however, remained a mystery during these years. The key issue was to understand how instantaneous values of “enthalpy” H and “entropy” S change, per component species, second-by-second, over the period of 18-years, from the second the two potentials (A and B) meet to the time the product (the child) is 15-years old and begins to detach from the parental structure.

On November 15, 2001, at 3:00 AM, however, while up memorizing anatomy and while reading English astrophysicist Stephen Hawking's famous 1996 The Illustrated: A Brief History of Time, which contains discussions on changes in the entropy of the human central nervous system, and a correlative human neurological order change diagram (adjacent), with the caption:

“Reading this book will have increased the amount of ordered information in your brain. However, during the same time, heat released by your body will have had a much greater effect increasing the disorder in the rest of the universe.”

Although this perspective has its issues, as Thims would come to learn, it provided a handle on how to make sense of the Buss occupational sexual receptiveness data in regards to how educational advance would effect changes in the entropy of a person and thus be correlative with a sexual receptiveness increase, which would be measured quantitatively by a larger negative Gibbs free energy change in course of either the human reproduction reaction or male-female reaction.

In short, Thims intuited the idea that when one educates themselves, over a period of 10-20 years, such as in the pursuit of an occupation or career, that their neurological entropy changes as a result. With this clue, and with previous ideas by Thims that changes in values of human enthalpy, in some way, correlates to physical heat (physical attractiveness) and correlative changes in perceptual levels of beauty, Thims was able to put the puzzle together, at least to a good first approximation, thus connecting second-by-second changes in a person’s values of G, H, S, over evolutions of decades, with human mating.

At this point, Thims thus solved, as a first approximation, the Gibbs free energy equation's applicability to the basic human reaction mechanism, namely:

A + B → C

in which A and B are a man and a woman, at the contact point (or collision point) of their relationship, i.e. the day one first sights the other, and C is a 15-year old child. Thims penned out the working outline of this solution in the following scratch paper note:
11-15-2001 (solution)
The following is a latter remade color annotated version of the above: [11]
HT table (Thims) f

About a month later, Thims decided it would be of interest to society to write up a brief synopsis of this logic; figuring, incorrectly, that the presentation of the solution would only take a few months, at the most, to complete. Hence, in the months to follow, from 2001 to late 2004, Thims' began to conduct research into the subject of the thermodynamics of human existence.

In 2004, Thims had framed the general outline of the areas of human thermodynamics he was interested in presenting solution for in a list of 30 mandates. [10]

Human molecular formula
One of the eye-openers, that arose during this investigation, was the question of what exactly are these "entities" (M, F, B), atomically, that Thims was referring to in his use of chemical reaction models (M + F → B) of a male M and female F reacting to form a baby B.
HM calculation (circa 2002)
An early-stage, circa 2002, quickly-made scratch-paper attempt by American chemical engineer Libb Thims at the calculation of a crude-version molecular formula for a human, using a percentage ratio method. [7]

Investigation into this query, in 2002, led Thims into a prolonged attempt to calculate the molecular formula for a human (see: human molecular formula), based on a collected synthesis of various mass composition tables, the first quick (non data based) attempt pictured adjacent.

Thims stated, in the 2002 manuscript (chapter: What Happens When You Die?), that as based on mass percent tables, 26-elements are found to have function in the human body, that at approximately 200,000 years ago:

"The universe had expanded-reacted enough ... to form a molecule made of these specific elements that we now define as homo sapien [as can be represented by the following] crude empirical formula for the molecular human."

taking vanadium (V) as unity:


This amounts to be a 26-element human empirical molecular formula. Thims concludes "by describing the existence of a human being in this form we are by no means making attempts to degrade our existence, we are only trying to help elucidate our understanding of this existence." Thims revised this calculation in the following years, and also calculated a human molecular formula.

Human chemical bond
In the course of the development of these manuscripts, a number of theoretical hurtles or conceptual "glass walls" had to be overcome. The first was that, from 2001 and 2002, Thims had neglected was to include the product “AB” (the marriage union entity) in his chemical equation calculations. In other words, a more complete version of the reproduction reaction is:

A + B → AB + C

where the union “AB” is a new type of chemical entity, that had never before been addressed by the hard science community. This opened up a whole new puzzle. Prior to this, Thims specifically neglected the AB product, assuming that both parents had died prior to the child's C fifteenth birthday, and thus were a non-existence entity in the context of the end state energy calculations.

In other words, Thims had no conception of the "AB attachment" or bond (this detail was ignored in early 1995-2001 calculations) from a physics or chemical point of view, such as would be the described by the attachment of two hydrogen atoms in the from a hydrogen molecule HH or H2.

Subsequently, in late 2002 or early 2003, it soon became apparent to Thims that he was leaving out an important component of the reaction, i.e. the AB bond of the attached couple or married pair. The investigation then began to understand what this “AB bond” means from a chemical point of view or fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear) point of view. For at least a half a year or more, the issue remained a puzzle.
Human molecular orbital
A thermodynamic system / molecular bubbles (Edward Hall, 1966) depiction of a human molecular orbital for one human molecule, or rather one person's average daily trajectories and movements, viewed at a sped-up rate of viewing, according to human molecular orbital theory, the theory of which was worked out in 2003 by Thims.

Soon, however, a number of views on the nature of the human chemical bond began to emerge.

On 10 Nov 2003, Thims synthesized the concept of human molecular orbital theory (a version of which is shown adjacent) as based on hybridized molecular orbital theory of small molecules according to the Schrödinger equation.

On 10 May 2004, Thims formulated the "field particle exchange theory" of inter-human molecular bonding as based on QED, QCD, particle physics, evolutionary psychology, and the fundamental particles, which define human molecules to be bonded electromagnetically via connections of either direct or indirect photon bonds. These theoretical points of view, among others, were combined with data from American psychologist John Gottman, who found, by studying 2,000 newly married couples, that stable marriage couples had 5-to-1 ratio of positive-to-negative exchanges in their microsecond interactions, to synthesize the basic outline of the human chemical bond.

At some time during this period the concept of human molecular spin was conceived.

Beckhap's law
In 2002, one of the first research projects undertaken by Thims was to collect data on the relationship between occupation achievement level (or intellectual rank attainment) and physical attractiveness, in an attempt to find corroboration with the hypothesis that the Gibbs free energy equation:


applied to human mate selection explains the apparent decrease in physical attractiveness of students the higher one goes up the educational ladder in respect to intellectual difficulty of subject matter. In other words that physical attractiveness tends to be inversely proportional to intellectual ability. Although unknown to Thims at the time, this phenomenon has been known by the name "Beckhap’s law", which in short states that: [1]

“Beauty times brains equals a constant.”

Beckhap’s law is sometimes referred to as the beauty-brains paradox (e.g. why are models always dumb, or nerds less physically attractive, etc., in plain speak), the rule that intelligence is inversely proportional to beauty, or that beauty varies inversely with intelligence, or that people aren’t typically endowed with both beauty and brains, etc. In mathematical form, Beckhap's law states:

 \text{beauty} \times \text{brains} = k

In simple terms, Beckhap's law captures the general understanding that beauty and brains tend not to be found in the same package; that best-looking or hottest people won’t typically be found in math class; that models tend to be dumb; that physicians tend not to be beauty queens; and so on, in the sense that if one is heightened in the looks department, he or she will likely be deficient in the brains department, and vice versa. In more intuitive terms, using more politically correct language, this can be restated to the effect that Beckhap's law declares that, on average, one's level of physical attractiveness (beauty) A will be inversely proportional to one's intelligence (brains) I, a statement defined mathematically as :

 A = \frac{k}{I} \,

Other usages can be found beyond this. Thims, in 2002, was unaware of the term "Beckhaps law" (a term he did not discover until 2010), but was keenly aware of the pattern the higher up the educational ladder he went, in terms of the decreasing physical attractiveness of his peers, specifically the rarity of high end female beauty in advanced engineering, science, and mathematics classes, chemical engineering in particular.

UIC Attractiveness vs Intelligence study (2002)
A plot of the ranked data results, of the group "female science majors", from the 2002 study of 2,018 University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) college graduation photos, graduating classes of 1969 and 1972, showing that attractiveness is inversely proportion, on average, to intelligence, a finding which corroborates Beckhap's law.

P = psychology, B = biology, C = chemistry, and M = mathematics, each with 41, 20, 13, and 21 students, respectively. Similarly, A = physical attractiveness (of group); on a scale of 7.0 = most physically attractive to 1.0 = least physically attractive; and I = intellectual difficulty (of degree); on a scale of 100 = most intellectually difficult to 10 = least intellectually difficult.
See main: Beckhap's law
In 2002, in an effort to get actual hands on statistical data to corroborate Beckhap's law, Libb Thims undertook an "Attractiveness vs. Intelligence" study of photos and corresponding graduation degrees of the 2,018 students of the graduating classes at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in the years 1969 and 1972, finding that when like groups of students are grouped (e.g. male engineers, female science majors, education degrees students, etc.) that within those groups physical attractiveness does indeed have an inverse relationship to intelligence. [8]

In more detail, in the course of the study, to determine if the inverse pattern, called by Thims the "beauty-brains paradox", exists statistically, in 2002 Thims conducted an ‘attractiveness A vs. intelligence I’ study, i.e. to determine if attractiveness is, in actuality, inversely proportional to intelligence.

Thims had one group of people rate the physical attractiveness of 2,018 college graduation photos, graduating classes of 1969 and 1972 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and had a second group of people rate the intellectual difficulty of each degree obtained, for the people in those photos, albeit only being shown the name of the degree.

These two data sets were sorted by sex and grouped into similar categories. The results confirmed the theory. In the graduating classes of 1969 and 1972, for example, 670 female students obtained 67 different degrees. By comparing females who obtained science-related degrees, among other related groups, we obtain the plot shown above. [8]

Thims then attempted to explain this finding by correlating the initial state Gi and final state Gf of the free energy change for a typical mating reaction to bulk values of attractiveness and intelligence involved in mate selection. A solution was found using the following two assumptions, first that enthalpy is proportional to physical attractiveness:

 H = k A \,

second that entropy is inversely proportional to intelligence:

 S = \frac{k}{I} \,

values which can used to represent the instantaneous 'state' of the reactive system at any given second on going from reactants to products. These can then be substituted into the Gibbs equation:

 \Delta G  = H_f - H_i - T (S_f - S_i) \,

to yield for an inverse relationship plot. Skipping over much of the derivation and discussion, using the two above approximations, and assuming that initial state of the reaction, in which two individuals, one male molecule Mx and one female molecule Fy, of varying levels of intelligence and beauty, is the day the pair fall in love at first sight, that they pair conceives one child, Bc, three years later, and that the end state of the reaction, coincides with the point of the fifteenth year of the growth of the child, after which the precipitate child molecule begins to detach from the parental structure. This gives the following simplified overall reaction mechanism:

 M_X + F_Y \rightarrow B_C \,

On this model, the following variables can be be defined at day one (-3 years before conception) and the final day (+15 after conception):

 G_f = G_C^{15} \,Gibbs free energy of the state of the child, Bc, detached at age 15.
 G_i = G_X^{-3} + G_Y^{-3} \,Gibbs free energy of the state of two reactants, the male Mx and female molecule Fy, at the point of love at first sight.
 H_f = H_C^{15} \,Enthalpy of the state of the child, Bc, detached at age 15.
 H_i = H_X^{-3} + H_Y^{-3} \,Enthalpy of the state of the two reactants, the male Mx and female molecule Fy, at the point of love at first sight.
 S_f = S_C^{15} \,Entropy of the state of the child, Bc, detached at age 15.
 S_i = S_X^{-3} + S_Y^{-3} \,Entropy of of the state of the two reactants, the male Mx and female molecule Fy, at the point of love at first sight.

Using these time-specific variables, through a bit of substitution, one can derive the following result: [9]

 A_X^{-3} = \frac{C_1}{I_X^{-3}} + C_2 \,

which says that, owing to the constraints of the Gibbs equation, otherwise known as the combined law of thermodynamics, the physical attractiveness of the individual, in this case the male, will vary inversely with the intellect of the individual, on average, at the initial start to a typical romantic male-female reaction.

There are many issues, to note, with this proof, one being that the second assumption, that of entropy, using the disorder model of entropy, in human reactions, being inversely proportional to intelligence (mental order), is derived from gas theory, particularly the Boltzmann chaos assumption, in which particles are assumed to have non-correlative velocities, which is not the case with human molecules. (screenshot) (Sep 2009)
The 2005-launched site, intended to be a laymanized presentation of the subject of human thermodynamics.
On 27 April 2005, Thims went public with the preliminaries of his work in human thermodynamics, with the launching of the laymanized-themed site (eventual host to the follow-up Journal of Human Thermodynamics), with the central effort of linking up a global community thinkers in the field of applying thermodynamics to the questions of human existence, such as Georgi Gladyshev, Jing Chen, Elizabeth Porteus, Erich Muller, Lawrence Chin, and Gerard Nahum, among others.

In November of 2005, in order for contributors of the newly forming Journal of Human Thermodynamics to have a decent “human bond” article to reference for future writings, Thims attempted to write “On the Nature of the Human Chemical Bond”, the world’s first-ever unified article of this sort. [1] Thims, however, became frozen after writing the first 18-pages online. He arrived at the view that such an article, which would easily go past the 30-page limit, would be too large to fit on a webpage. Subsequently, this fact, along with dozens of internet arguments with other chemists and physicist that the idea of “human chemistry” is some kind of joke, was one of the preliminary goads that lead to the eventual writing the 2007 two-volume Human Chemistry textbook.

The tipping point came on November 24, 2005, when Thims added a link to the Wikipedia chemistry article to an overview of "human chemical reactions", and within fifteen minutes the overview was skimmed and the link was removed, by an American high school geology teacher (VSmithExternal link icon (c), MS geology) with the following reasoning:

“The presentation of love viewed as a human chemical reaction between two human molecules (Mx + Fy → MxFy) is good for a laugh, but not much else.”
Of note, this last quote was, in large part, the "straw that broke the camel's back", in the irritation level of Thims' mind, impelling him into the irreversible task of writing up the world's first textbook on the subject of human chemistry, a process which took 18-months and 14-days, being completed in September of 2007.

This new human molecular discernment, along with a prolonged effort to derive a working model for the human chemical bond, resulted in a very-crude unfinished draft manuscript three-volume set on Human Thermodynamics, written between 2001 and 2004, several copies of which were distributed locally around Chicago for feedback. In addition, in 2005, stimulated by a recent 19-year old female friend whose mother and grandmother were recently murdered in an insurance scam attempt (by the mother's boyfriend), an attempted manuscript on the question of "what happens when you die?" in relation to thermodynamics was attempted.

Hence, by mid 2005, the following four manuscripts had been written, and posted online as such:


This public openness brought Thims, who was still rather green at this point, into argumentative contact with other scientists, chemists, physicists, and engineers, who were quite frank with their openness to the "lunacy" of the idea that chemical thermodynamics might have anything to say about the human condition, let alone predict human chemical reactions, between people viewed as "human molecules". This collision was quite an eye-opener for Thims, illuminating the fact that not all people think the same; an experience encountered Croatian mechanical engineer and physicist Josip Stepanić, who used to think that everyone thought like he did, i.e. in terms of social Gibbs free energy (as communicated Thims).

This aghast reactionary feedback, among other argumentative interactions in 2005 and 2006, made it apparent to Thims that for any successful book publication of the subject of the "thermodynamics of human existence" to be digestible to the average person, firstly there would need to be a standardized textbook on the fact that the human is a "molecule", that there is such a thing as a "human chemical reaction", or that the "human chemical bond" is the same as any other chemical bond, etc. In other words, although the "chemistry of love" is question that even young children wonder about and also is a cover-story topic, no chemist has ever written a standard textbook on this basic subject.

The jump from this "good for a laugh, but not much else" comment to "I'm going to write a two-volume textbook on human chemistry", however, was not immediate. To give an idea of this, on 13 Nov 2005 the following New Book notice (adjacent) was posted on Thims' user page, stating that he was working on a short 50-page book tentatively entitled Thermodynamic Sex: on the Evolutionary Propensity Towards Field Particle Mediated Atomic Exchange. The premise here being that the electromagnetic force, the fundamental force that mediates human interactions, acts to cause or rather force the exchange of primary field particles (photons, in fundamental composition), which act or force the exchange of larger "secondary field particles" (such as sperm), and that the entire event of sex and the movement actions of the humans involved in the days and months preceding and following the act must proceed according to the premise that the interacting system (in association with its coupling factors) actuates to in accordance with a decrease in the Gibbs free energy of the system ( ΔG < 0 ).



TS  (a)

Human Chemistry (2006)

TS  (b)

Advertisement on Thims' Wikipedia user page on 13 Dec 2005, which attracted derisive comments from scientists, such as American organic chemist Frank Lambert who commented that "Thims is a lost soul who seriously searches for the thermodynamic meaning of sex", among other derisive opinions. [5]
Late 2006 / early 2007 draft cover-version of Human Chemistry, the subtitle pointing to the newly derived field particle mediated exchange force model of human chemical bonding.

Thims discovers Goethe
On 10 Oct 2006, Thims ordered Goethe's Elective Affinities, from Amazon (see: books ordered), after reading Ilya Prigogine's 1984 footnote 2.5 mention of "Mittler the mediator".

Thims, thereafter, learned that German polymath Johann Goethe basically worked out nearly the same theory (as described above), as Thims had worked out, albeit framed in the logic of affinity tables (an antecedent to free energy tables), over two hundred years ago (1796-1809), and wrote out the entire solution in coded format in his 1809 novella Elective Affinities, a treatise filled with 36-chapters of various types of human chemical reactions (or human elective affinity reactions, as Goethe would have viewed them). [2]

The actual endnote reference that resulted to be a huge influence is shown below:

Dobbs, op. cit., also examined the role of the ‘mediator’ by which two substances are made ‘sociable’. We may recall here the importance of the mediator in Goethe’s Elective Affinities (Engl. Trans. Greenwood 1976). For what concerns chemistry, Goethe was not far from Newton. Prigogine footnote 2.5
Footnote #5 (pgs. 64, 319), chapter II: The Identification of the Real, section 2: Motion and Change, Order Out of Chaos (1984) by Ilya Prigogine.

The tipping point for the forward movement of the idea to write not just a outline booklet on human chemistry, as pictured above (right), but rather a full top-to-bottom first-ever textbook on human chemistry.

At this point, strangely enough, even though Thims is 50% German, and had at that time over 750 science books in his home library collection, he had never heard of Goethe. In any event, after finally reading Elective Affinities, specifically the famous chapter four, it has since become the most influential book he has ever read and was what instilled in Thims the duty, obligation, or rather moral imperative to write the world’s first ever textbook on the subject of human chemistry (basically the modern view of what Goethe was theorizing about 200 years ago).

Stimulated by this great finding, starting in 2006, over the next 18-months and 14-days, in a type of timelessness (see: Willard Gibbs) induced "flow state" (to cite Mihály Csíkszentmihályi’s theory), Thims worked nearly non-stop to pen the world's first textbook on human chemistry, the 824-page two-volume Human Chemistry (published in September 2007).
Is love a   purely chemical reaction (2001)
The 2001 online Q&A posting by the Physics Van Outreach program of the physics-engineering department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where a college is telling children incorrectly that the process of love (or falling in love) is not a chemical reaction, an incident that irritated Thims (on the driving forces or factors behind the eventual writing of the 2007 Human Chemistry textbook. [4]

In addition to the influence of Goethe, another significant driver behind the writing of the Human Chemistry textbook, was fact that the physics-engineering department at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign was informing seven-year old children that love was not a purely chemical reaction. The specific 2001 post where this hugely-false information was being presented is depicted adjacent.

The irritation of this type of hugely erroneous information presentation to children along with Goethe's Elective Affinities, were the two drivers behind the construction of the the two-volume Human Chemistry textbook.

On November 7, 2006, Thims sent an email to an internet associate of his, an theoretical physicist, stating that he was in the process of writing an approximate 150-page book on the topic of human chemistry, “situated on the premise that each human being is a molecule and that human molecules react, form bonds, de-bond, abide by the laws of thermodynamics energetically, etc., just as do all assemblies of molecules.” [2] In this email, Thims stated that:

“I’m forced to write a book out of necessity; I’ve found that I can’t talk to anyone intelligently about any kind of thermodynamic theory of human life until someone situates a basic textbook arguing that human life is a chemical process involving human chemical reactions between human molecules and the bonds formed or broken therein, i.e. reactions between people, and the energetics associated with this. Most of the book is going to be based on Carnot, Clausius, Gibbs, Helmholtz, Goethe, the first person to write an actual human chemistry book (1809), Gladyshev, and about a dozen others.”

Subsequently, sometime during this period, the 50-page book Thermodynamic Sex, evolved into the 824-page, two-volume college textbook Human Chemistry. On December 06, 2006 Thims sent a letter to iUniverse, directed to publishing representative Agnes Hoepker, stating that "I will likely publish a 200-page book, on Human Chemistry, with you soon." To give an idea of the transformation, the follow images show how the cover evolved or changed over time during its construction. The final cover was chosen, after a period of cover testing, in which people queried as to what they thought the book was going to be about based on the cover (the Thermodynamic Sex cover gave the impression that it was going to be about how to get hot sex or some type of pornographic book). Subsequently the cover began to change (early drafts shown below):

HC (draft 2) 250HC (draft 3) 250HC (draft 4) 250

Human chemistry (bookcart)

HC (draft 5) 250HC (draft 6) 250HC (draft 7) 250

A number of people were polled as to which cover would be the best; among other comments, this last cover was chosen, because, in the words of a male commenter, named Elik: “It looks real, it looks like they’re in love.” The last cover at far right was thus chosen.

The paperback version of the book was published on September 4, 2007, and the hardcover version was published on 24 September, 2007.
Hmolpedia iconEoHT cover (Jul 2010)
A depiction of the main thematic contents of Hmolpedia: human relationships, love, hate, atoms, molecules, heat, motion, Papin engine, human chemistry, and human physics, the 2007-launched niche encyclopedia, created by Thims to facilitate the study of the subject of human thermodynamics.

Wikipedia Hmolpedia
On 05 May 2005, Thims began testing online encyclopedia-style wiki article writing at the newly-forming site Wikipedia, by starting an article on human thermodynamics; albeit an article that ended up in the "articles for deletion" (afd) process, twice; after which, he stayed on as an editor at Wikipedia, in the two years to follow, penning about 180 articles, contributing over 8,500 edits.

On 10 Oct 2007, Thims resigned as an editor from Wikipedia (2005-2007), out of re-occurring tensions building in attempts to get the articles "human chemistry" and "human molecule", established as standard encyclopedia topics (topics which kept getting sent to afd).

On 24 Dec 2007, Thims launched, renamed Hmolpedia in 2011 (see: Hmolpedia (etymology)), with three articles: Sadi Carnot (physicist), human thermodynamics, and human chemistry. The first two members of the site were Thims (user: Sadi-Carnot) and Russian physical chemist Georgi Gladyshev (user: Gladyshev) who were weekly collaborators form circa 2006-2011, until their mutual falling out over the semantics of the origin of life vs defunct theory of life debate.

In late 2011, Hmolpedia had over 2,200 articles, over 200 members, and was attracting some 50,000+ page views per month (see: progress report), and was being used by graduate school engineering students as a research tool to complete PhD dissertations.

The Human Molecule (chapter 2)

Ecological Stoichiometry

The Human Molecle (300px)
Thims' 2008 120-page booklet The Human Molecule, on the history of the concept of a person viewed as an atom, particle, chemical, or molecule, an expansion of his earlier 2007 chapter (with fuller historical overview) plus addition of the newly-found 2007 human molecular formula views of Robert Sterner and James Elser.

The Human Molecule
In 2008, in an effort to produced an low-cost, equation-free booklet, easier to read book (at least at the high school level), as compared to the 207-equation filled very-dense (to many) textbook Human Chemistry, Thims expanded on chapters three and five, "The Human Molecule" (20-pages) and "Molecular Evolution" (26-pages), of Human Chemistry respectively, into the combined 120-page book The Human Molecule, which included a more detailed history of the concept of modeling people as atoms, particles, chemicals, or molecules, etc., which included the recently discovered 2002 publication of the calculation a 22-element molecular formula for a human by American limnologists Robert Sterner and James Elser.

University lectures
See main: Libb Thims (lectures)
In 2010, Thims began giving invited lectures on an introduction to human thermodynamics to bioengineering thermodynamics classes at a local university in Chicago, and did this yearly through 2012. The following are video stills of Thims lecturing in 2010:

Thims lecturing (2010)

In 2010, Thims began to meet up with Iranian-born chemical engineer Ali Mansoori, head of the UIC thermodynamics laboratory and also notably for having been educated, as an undergraduate in Iran, within the orbit of Iranian mechanical engineer, thermodynamicist, and 75th prime minister Mehdi Bazargan, author of the 1956 Thermodynamics of Humans, the first general book on human thermodynamics.

2010-2012 | Thims at UIC | ChicagoThims 2010 lecture photos
UIC logoThims lecturing in 2010 (see: Libb Thims lectures) on human thermodynamics to engineering students, standing adjacent to pictures of Clausius, Gibbs, and Lewis, authors of the founding texts at the core of human thermodynamics. Thims explaining to engineering students how the Papin engine relates to human chemical affinities, Gibbs free energy, and morality.

The following is 16 Apr 2013 guest lecture Entitled “Human Chemical Thermodynamics: Goethe's Elective Affinities to Human Free Energies”, given to the mechanical engineer students and faculty of Northern Illinois University per invited of mechanical engineering thermodynamics professor Milivoje Kostic:

2013 | Thims at NIU | DeKalb, Illinois
Libb Thims (16 Apr 2013) lecture (photo 2)
NIU logoLeft: Thims in his 16 Apr 2013 lecture: “Human Chemical Thermodynamics: Goethe's Elective Affinities to Human Free Energies” (see: lectures), at segment 48:30-50:39 (see: videoExternal link icon (c)YouTube 40x17), at Northern Illinois University College of Engineering, doing the famous 18th century Leiden University volume expansion "ball and ring experiment" to explain "social expansion" (day) and "social contraction" (night), in Carnot cycle terms, in respect to hot body (sun) / cold body (night sky) alternating daily contact of earth-bound social systems (working body), Boerhaave's law, entropy (transformation content) increase, and irreversible changes in Gibbs free energy states of human existence and experience; the human molecule view lecture notes page in the background; illuminated rotating globe to the right. [28] Right: edited synopsis video segment of April 2013 lecture.

The following are meetup photos and after symposium photos during the Jun 2013 University of Pitesti Econophysics and Sociophysics Workshop, Romania, in which Thims, as the key speaker, gave an opening 90-minute talk on “Econoengineering and Economic Behavior: Particle, Atom, Molecule, or Agent Models?”, generally about what not to do in econophysics and sociophysics modelling:

2013 | Thims at UP | Pitesti, RomaniaLibb Thims UPESW 2013 photo 2
Romanian econophysics school (with Thims) 28 May 2013
UPESW 2013 logoLeft: American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims with the two heads of the Romanian school of physical socioeconomics, from left to right: Ion Siman and Gheorghe Savoiu, holding Thims 2008 The Human Molecule, Thims, holding Savoiu and Siman's 2012 Econophysics, and Constantin Bratianu, a newcomer to the group, noted for his work in knowledge thermodynamics (28 Jun 2013). Right: Thims during his UPESW 2013 talk (Jun 29), at 2:20-min (see: videoExternal link icon (c)YouTube 40x17) holding his social piston and cylinder demonstration model explaining how the city boundary of Pitesti, Romania, is an example of a socioeconomic boundary in a thermodynamic modelling sense.

Thims has been invited back for UPESW 6 in 2014 and invited to stay at the summer house of Romanian physicist Ion Siman the intellectual power center of the Romanian school of physical socioeconomics.

Hmolpedia cover (7 Jul 2013) f2

Hmolpedia set (2013) c
Online Version
(3,000 articles)

Print Set
Hmolpedia | Print set
A precipitate of Thims' research efforts is Hmolpedia, an online wiki encyclopedia, launched in late December 2007, a growing collection of 3,000+ articles centered around the decipherment of the Lewis inequality of natural processes applied to human interaction processes, a set of articles attracting some 70,000+ page views per month, which is slowly becoming the Internet's number one go-to site for thermodynamics information; a cite which, as of 2011, has been used to produce, guide, and or facilitate a number of PhD dissertations, among other research activities.

In 2013, Thims began to assemble the online site into a print volume, current estimates indicate the encyclopedia will be a six-volume, 3,800-page book set (a mock-up version of which is shown adjacent).

University department
See main: Two cultures department
In 2013, Thims began to actively pursue the means to found a university department, a upgrade to the 1950s Princeton Department of Social Physics, so to speak, centered around the teaching of human thermodynamics themed as the solution to C.P. Snow's famed two cultures divide of the erudite of society:

Two Cultures Department

See also
Human Chemistry (textbook) (origin)
Hmolpedia (progress report)

1. Thims, Libb. (2005). “On the Nature of the Human Chemical Bond.” Journal of Human Thermodynamics, Vol. 1, Issue 5 (pg. 36-61) – November (left un-finished).
2. Email from Thims to Par dated Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:03:36 PM.
3. Prigogine, Ilya. (1984). Order Out of Chaos – Man’s New Dialogue with Nature (footnote 2.5: “B.J. Dobbs [The Foundations of Newton’s Alchemy, 1975] also exampled the role of the ‘mediator’ by which two substances are made ‘sociable’. We may recall here the importance of Goethe’s Elective Affinities. For what concerns chemistry, Goethe was not far from Newton.” pg. 319). New York: Bantam Books.
4. (a) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (pg. xxi). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
(b) Is Love a Purely Chemical Reaction? (question asked in 2001 by Jason, age 7, from Glenside Weldon, Pa) - "Ask the Van", part of the Physics Van outreach program at the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois.
(c) Question answered by Tamara McArdle a veterinarian practicing in the Champaign-Urbana area who has done research in genetic modeling and cancer prevention.
5. Libb Thims' user page (2005) - Wikipedia.
6. Buss, David M. (1994). The Evolution of Desire - Strategies of Human Mating. New York: Basic Books.
7. Thims, Libb. (c.2002). "Notes of 36-part outline to a framework on book on Human Thermodynamics" (formula scratch attempt, somewhere in parts 22-29), Unpublished Notes.
8. (a) Thims, Libb. (2002). “UIC: Attractiveness vs. Intelligence Date: 2,000 graduation photos rated for attractiveness and undergraduate degrees per each photo rated for intellectual difficulty”, IoHT Research Project.
(b) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume Two) (UIC: Attractiveness vs. Intelligence Study, pgs. 671-72). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
9. Thims, Libb. (2002). Human Thermodynamics (Volume One) (ch. 8, pg. 199). 330-pgs. (un-finished) Chicago: IoHT.
10. HT mandates (2005) –
11. FAQ #17: From whence did the impetus behind the development of HT stem? (2005) –
12. Cessation Thermodynamics (origin timeline) –

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