A conceptual visual of the posthumous genius, akin to running a race where the person is so far ahead of the present-day competition, that he or she is competing against of species of humans that "do not yet exist" as Nietzsche (1888) famously put things.
In genius studies, posthumous genius refers to a great thinker whose profound, erudite, decisive and or revolutionary ideas are well-ahead of their time; society, as a whole, has to therefore "catch up" to their mind (see: catch up effect); in many cases of which this does not occur during the genius' reaction existence or reaction residence time.

Da Vinci
Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was so keenly aware of how far ahead in intellect he was that he wrote in coded upside down mirror writing to conceal his thoughts (note: recent theories, conversely, argue that he wrote like this because he was left-handed and like to paint pictures as they reflected in mirrors).

Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677) had his magnum opus Ethics published posthumously, by his friends, owing to fear of persecution.

French philosopher Jean Meslier (1664-1729) was so aware of how far ahead of his time, in respect to the content of his extreme atheism philosophy, that he penned four duplicate copies of a hand written tome entitled Testament, all discovered posthumously.

German-born French-raised atheism-explicit anti-chance based matter-and-motion philosopher Baron d’Holbach (1723-1789) was keen to the fact that he was well ahead of his time; stating so as such:

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
— Greek proverb (c.300BC) (Ѻ)

“An so, wise men, you are not men of your times; you are men of the future, the precursors of future reason. It is not wealth, nor honour, nor vulgar applause that you should aim for: it is immortality.”
Baron d’Holbach (1770), Essay on the Prejudices [5]

“Let them speak of immortality to intrepid and noble souls; let them show it as the price of their labors to energetic minds, who, springing forward beyond the boundaries of their actual existence, are little satisfied with eliciting the admiration and with gaining the love of their contemporaries, but are determined also to wrest the homage, to secure the affection of future races. Indeed, there is an immortality to which genius, talents, virtue, have a just right to pretend; do not therefore let them censure or endeavour to stifle so noble a passion in man, which is founded upon his nature, and from which society gathers the most advantageous fruits.”
Baron d’Holbach (1770), The System of Nature (pg. 133)

“It is for them that he plants the tree which his eyes will never behold in its vigor.”
— Baron d’Holbach (1770), The System of Nature (pg. 133)


Scottish-English colonel turned peregrinating atheist philosopher John Stewart (1747-1822), noted for his his extreme atheism stylized works, namely his: two-volume Moral Motion (1789), The Opus Maximum (London, 1803), The Revelation of Nature (New York, 1795), stated that his books should be translated into Latin and buried to escape anticipated censorship and suppression. [1]

“My books [e.g. Moral Motion, 1789] should be translated into Latin and buried to escape anticipated censorship and suppression.”
— John Stewart (c.1820)
In 1884, Ludwig Buchner declared that his views will be posthumously realized as truth:
“It is the not the present age, but a remote future, which he himself will never see, that can and will do justice to his intentions.”
— Ludwig Buchner (1884), Preface to 15th edition of Force and Matter (pg. xiii)
German intellectual giant Johann Goethe, the "German genius", said that his greatest work or "best book" was his Elective Affinities, wherein he outlined a physicochemical morality system and philosophy; this revolutionary view (see: Goethean revolution), however, was well ahead of its time; the following are two quotes representative to this:

“These remarks [from Solger to Tieck] were written as early as 1809. I should then have been much cheered to hear so kind a word about Elective Affinties; for at that time, and afterwards, not many pleasant remarks were vouchsafed be about that novel.”
Johann Goethe (1827), comment to Johann Eckermann; on Solger speaking of the fine nature of the Architect’s character, Jan 18 [1]

“It is difficult to overestimate the value of Goethe’s work to humanity. The bequest which he left to the world in his writings, and in the whole intellectual result of his life, is not as yet appreciated at its full worth; because, intellectually, the world has not yet caught up to him. His influence today asserts itself in a hundred minute ways—even where no one suspects it. The century has received the stamp and impress of his mighty personality. The intellectual currents of the age, swelled and amplified by later tributaries, flow today in the directions which Goethe indicated.”
Hjalmar Boyesen (1885), The Life of Goethe

(add discussion)

English radical atheist and human elective affinities theorist Percy Shelley (1792-1822) by 1870s was being ranked as a posthumous genius; the following is one example:

Beauty is said to be a fatal gift to women, and it may be added that genius is a fatal gift to men; they are born before their time and out of harmony with the things about them.”
— Edward Trelawny (1878), “Commentary on Percy Shelley” (see: posthumous genius); in: Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author, Volume One (pg. xvi) [1]


German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) (IQ:190|#35), seemingly, was keen to his own genius and to the fact that he was well ahead of his time. The following, mentioned, in part, in a letter to Carl Fuchs, shortly before the composition of Ecce Homo (1888), is testament to this: (Ѻ)

“My time has not yet come, some people are born posthumously. I write for a species of men that do not yet exist.”

Sudanese-born American philosopher Monydit Malieth, citing this quote, claims that somewhere Nietzsche prophesied that his words would not begin to be understood until after the year 2000. [2]

Serbian-born American electrical engineer Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) (IQ:195|#19) openly state that he himself was a ahead of his time

“It seems that I have always been ahead of my time.”
— Nikola Tesla (c.1930), comment to George Sylverster Viereck (1884-1862) (Ѻ)(Ѻ)


In 2006, American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, after discovering Goethe in Oct 2015, amid penning Human Chemistry, consciously strove to write to a year 3,000AD mindset. Thims, in more detail, becoming aware that Goethe had done what he was doing two centuries ago, and it was completely unknown in American, was awake to the view that what he was doing might not become apparent until at least another two-centuries.

Thims, in short, already doing the same thing he did, in his human chemical theory, albeit via Gibbs in place of Bergman, after finding Goethe's "vouchsafed" quote (1827), shortly thereafter, gauged that since some two centuries had passed, and Goethe and his human chemical theory were still unknown in American, up through the top chemical engineers schools, that his Goethean-upgrade human chemical thermodynamics work would not be completely absorbable into the public mind until the year 3,000; in other words, Thims consciously wrote his Human Chemistry (2007) aimed for a third millennium audience; the following quotes attest to this:

“Maybe someday kids, in the future, instead of or in addition to learning 1 + 1 = 2, will learn something like molecule A + molecule B = married couple? Ha ha, it’s just a thought, but wouldn’t it be funny if it were true?”
— Natalia Duncan (c.2004), review of draft version of Cessation Thermodynamics; quote recalled [2015] from memory

“A book 60-80 years ahead of its time. In the future, Thims will be someone who’s talked about in classrooms as this guy who had this idea. However, now, yes the book will sell, but its premise will not be accepted by people of this generation.”
— Monzer Ettawil (2005), review (Ѻ) of 72-page draft version of Cessation Thermodynamics, May 7

“I must say, I started watching your videos over a year ago, and have re-watched many. And they still fascinate me. I’m only 17 and I’m seriously considering doing a degree in chemistry after watching your videos. The only downside is not many people I know can have a conversation about the things you’re talking about. You were right your videos are decades if not a century in front of its time.”
Benjamin Cresdee (2011), comment on Human Chemistry 101 YouTube channel

“Sadly logic barely has any significance amongst a swarm of imbeciles. Some people are doomed to feel like an alien.”
— Torandrius (2011), commentary on Libb Thims' HumanChemistry101 YouTube channel (Ѻ)


Atheism | Forest pioneers
A salient commonality of the above set of geniuses is that 7 of 9 are famous atheist pioneers; the following quote comes to mind:

“It would appear almost an act of folly, in pretending to uproot that ancient Upas-tree of religious superstition, under the poisonous shade of which mankind has been for ages accustomed to repose, and the roots of which are so widespread and profound.”
Charles Dupuis (c.1794), cited as views in agreement with by 1872 English translator


IQ | Posthumous genius
The mean IQ of the posthumous genius, using an average of Da Vinci (IQ:200|#7), Spinoza (IQ:180|#94), Goethe (IQ:225|#1), Nietzsche (IQ:190|#35), and Tesla (IQ:195|#19), is: 198|#32.

The following are related quotes:

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
— Greek proverb (c.300BC) (Ѻ)

See also

1. Goethe, Johann, Eckermann, Johann E., Soret, Frederic J., and Oxenford, John. (1883). Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret
(vouchsafed, pg. 205). G. Bell & Sons.
2 (a) Symonds, Barry. (2009). “Stewart, John (1747-1822)” (Ѻ), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
(b) Stokes, Christopher. (2015). “Desacralizing the Sign: Tooke, Stewart and Romantic Materialism”, in: Dynamics of Desacralization: Disenchanted Literary Talents (editor: Paola Partenza) (§3, pgs. 37-52; buried, pg. 44). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
3. Malieth, Monydit (aka Tonnerre). (2013). The Future Affects the Past: What Destination is Time Rushing To? (born posthumously, pg. 76). Red Lead Books.
4. Trelawny, Edward J. (1878). Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author, Volume One (genius, 29+ pgs). Publisher.
5. (a) Holbach, Baron. (1770). Essay on the Prejudices: Of the Influence of the Opinions on the Manners and the Happiness of Man (Essai sur les préjugés: ou, De l'influence des opinions sur les moeurs et sur le bonbeur des Hommes ) (§14). Publisher.
(b) Naville, Pierre. (1967). D’Holbach et la philosophie scientifique au XVIIIe siècle (pg. 359-60). Gallimard.
(b) Taylor, Charles. (1992). The Sources of the Self: the Making of the Modern Identity (pg. 353). Cambridge University Press.
(c) Kete, Kathleen. (2012). Making Way for Genius: the Irish Aristocracy in the Seventeenth Century (pg. #). Yale University Press.

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