English physicist Isaac Newton's 1686 Principia, the most famous and venerated publication in all of science.
In famous publications, Principia (TR:47), or The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, is 1686 publication, of the power center of knowledge type, by English physicist Isaac Newton, which laid out the laws of motion: first law of motion, second law of motion, and third law of motion.

On reading Newton’s Principia, English physicist-philosopher and inventor Robert Hooke is said to have claimed that the idea of an inverse square law for gravitation had been stolen from him. Hooke, supposedly, did have such an idea independent of Newton and also realized that an object falling towards the earth had the same motion as earth falling towards the sun. Hooke’s lack of mathematical ability, however, was, supposedly, was what hindered his claim to fame. Upon hearing this accusation, Newton, promptly removed all mention of Hooke from the Principia, and refused to have anything to do with the Royal Society, Hooke’s employer, agreeing to become president only after Hooke’s death in 1703. When Newton did become president, Hooke’s portrait hanging in the Royal Society mysteriously disappeared. [5] The inference here being that the reason that no pictures of Hooke exist in modern times, is the result of Newton.

In 1834, Scottish engineer William Rankine, at age 14, was given a copy of Newton’s Principia, in Latin, by his father, which he subsequently absorbed, thus laying the foundation of his knowledge in higher mathematics, dynamics, and physics. [1]

In 1989, American physical economics historian Philip Mirowski, in his More Heat Than Light, pole vaults on the so-called "Hessen thesis" (Boris Hessen, "The Social and Economic Roots of Newton's Principia", 1931), i.e. that Newton derived his laws of motion from economic theory and the culture milieu of his time, to supposition the general argument that the physicists and economists copied from each other, or that Newton copied the laws of motion from the economists, or something along these lines. [2]

Social Principias
A number of so-called "social Newtons" have been credited with attempts to emulate Newton and to pen out Social Principias, so to say, or Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy of the Social Sciences, or something along these lines.

An early reference to a social Newton is the work of French philosopher Charles Fourier, namely his 1808 The Theory of the Four Movement, which contains his views of the world in general, and his 1822 The Association of Domestic and Agricultural Economy, which contains his special views of the social system. [1] Moritz Kaufmann describes Fourier as follows: [1]

“In order to judge of his system it is necessary to note one or two salient points in his conception of the constitution of man and the universe. Happiness he acknowledges is our being's end and aim’; and the only true science which leads to its attainment is sociology. As the doctrine of the material movements in the universe has been fixed by Newton's discoveries, so too the laws which regulate the movements in the social world must first be ascertained before we can hope to render mankind happy. To become such a social Newton was undoubtedly Fourier's ambition, and this is the fundamental law of his social Principia.”


The following are related quotes:

“I designedly made Principia abstruse to avoid being baited by little smatterers in mathematics.”
Isaac Newton (c.1687), “Comment to William Derham [3]

1. Kurrer, Karl-Eugen. (2012). The History of the Theory of Structure: from Arch Analysis to Computational Mechanics (§:Rankine, pgs. 758-59). Wiley.
2. (a) Hessen, Boris. (1931). “The Socio-Economic Roots of Newton’s Mechanics” (Russian) (English: pdf) Publisher.
(b) Hessen, Boris. (1931). “The Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s Principia” (abs); in: The Social and Economic Roots of the Scientific Revolution, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 278(2009), 41-101.
(c) Mirowski, Philip. (1989). More Heat than Light: Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature’s Economics (triangle, pg. 108). Cambridge University Press.
3. (a) Westfall, R.S. (1980). Never at Rest (pg. 459). Cambridge.
(b) Inwood, Stephen. (2003). The Man Who Knew Too Much: the Strange and Inventive Life of Robert Hooke 1653-1703 (pg. 379). Pan MacMillan.
(c) Fara, Patricia. (2002). Newton: the Making of a Genius (pg. 18). Columbia University Press.
(d) Stokes, Mitch. (2010). Isaac Newton (pg. 122). Thomas Nelson.

See also
Principia of thermodynamics

External links
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia

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