A depiction of a "social Newton", namely one who can "calculate the madness of men", as Newton longed for, via mechanistic, physics, chemistry, and or thermodynamical reasoning, and predictive governing equations. |
See also: Social Newtons (existive)The following is the work-in-progress ranked listing of historical "social Newtons", with Hmolpedia citation ranking (CR) shown; the "±" column signifying that a seeming up or down (↑↓) adjustment in ranking is in order; in the chemical equilibrium (
Social Newtons | Classical Person
__________________________________CR Δ Hu IQ Citation[s] / Quotes
(needed)1 Johann Goethe
German polyintellect
PCR, LTE, LR:30|#21069 R A C —
1Quote: “1642 [Newton’s birth] is the Christmas of the modern age.”
Quote: “The moral symbols of nature are the elective affinities:discovered and employed by Bergman.”2. Henry Adams
American historian
LTE, LR:5|17368 R CT M
20Quote: “A complete solution—to the future science of physico-chemical social dynamics— seems to call for the aid of another Newton.” (1910) 3. Vilfredo Pareto
Italian engineer
PCR211 R T M
22“Newton of sociology” (Bernard DeVoto, 1933) (Ѻ)
“Newton of the moral world.” (Werner Stark, 1963) [13]
“If Pareto had truly joined the social sciences to the natural sciences, an achievement Henderson very much wanted to see, it is only to be expected that he would put Pareto in the great company of Gibbs, Bernard, and even Newton.” (Bernard Barber, 1970)
“A modern Galileo for the social sciences” (Henderson's view (c.1942), according to Barber, 1970)French, Italian 4. Leon Winiarski
Polish social economist101 T
58In his Essay on Social Mechanics (1898), he attempted to base sociology on the Clausius inequality; which he discusses in the following form: French, Italian 5. Norman Dolloff
American metallurgical engineering geologist37 CT
59In his Heat Death and the Phoenix (1975), he gives the following what might be called "organism synthesis equation":
Classified as the transition point mindset of someone grappling to switch from the entropy "order/disorder" model of everything to the "free energy" model of everything; all done in the framework of explicit atheism.6. Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher182 T
29“All that we need and that could possibly be given us in the present state of development of the sciences, is a chemistry of the ‘moral’, ‘religious’, ‘aesthetic’ conceptions and ‘feeling’, as well as of those ‘emotions’ which we experience in the affairs, great and small, of society and civilization, and which we are sensible of even in solitude.” — Friedrich Nietzsche (1778), aphorism #1 of 1,400 in: Human, All Too Human7. Frederick Rossini
American chemical thermodynamicist146 CT C
138In his “Chemical Thermodynamics in the Real World” (1971), he stated very directly that via the following equation: we can come to understand the paradox between freedom and security in society.8. Lawrence Henderson
American physical chemist177 CT C
102Ran the Harvard Pareto circle (1932-1942) AND taught a Gibbs-Pareto system based "Sociology 23" course at Harvard (1938-1942). 9. Edwin Wilson
American mathematician38 E CT Taught a Gibbs-based "Mathematical Economics" course at Harvard (1935-1938) AND told Paul Samuelson to use Gibbs' "equation 133":
to formulate a theory of economic stability.10. Henry Carey
American sociologist66 R A M “Newton of social science” (Kate McKean, 1864) (Ѻ)
“Newton of sociology” (Werner Stark, 1962) [5]11. Ludwig Buchner
German physicist-physician48 R C
110German 12. Baron d’Holbach
31“Newton of the atheists” (Ѻ) 13. John Tukey
American chemist, mathematician, and statistician9 CT
15914. Mehdi Bazargan
Iranian mechanical engineer
LR:7|980 T Farsi 15. John Q. Stewart
American physicist turned social physicist105 T 16. Wilhelm Ostwald
German physical165 CT C
3817. Eugene Roeber
German-born American electrochemcial engineer18. William Rankine
Scottish engineer and mathematical physicist
85 T
8819. Maurice Hauriou
French lawyer turned social philosopher25 T French 20. Arthur Schopenhauer
German philosopher
↑↓127 R A C
6021. Alfred Lotka
7222. William Fairburn
3452#. Kaj Lang
Danish chemical engineerT 23. Henry Bray
English-born American polymath44 A
167First Hmolpedia scholar wherein "social Newton term analysis" was performed; a technique later called Beg analysis (Thims, 2014). 24. Lester Ward
American paleobotanist-trained sociologist29 T “American Aristotle” (Samuel Chugerman, 1939) 25. Adolphe Quetelet
257His social physics work, building on the social mathematics of Marquis Condorcet (IQ:180|#149) (Cattell 1000:288), inspired the proposed Nightingale Chair of Social Physics. French 26. Ed Stephan
American sociologist ↓20 CT 27. Spiru Haret
Romanian mathematical physicist26 C French 28. Emanuele Sella
Italian lawyer25 T Italian 29. Guillaume de Greef
Belgian socialist4 French 30. George Scott
American organic chemist31. Arthur Iberall
American physicist and engineer ↑35 T M 32. Julius Davidson
American economist15 ST 33. Elliott Montroll
American chemist, mathematician, and physicist ↓13 T M 34. Nicolas Rashevsky
Russian-born American theoretical biologist and sociologist ↓13 Russian 35. Charles Fourier
French philosopher ↑↑13 “Social Newton” + Social Principia (Moritz Kaufmann, 1874) [1]
“Newton of the moral sciences” (Adam Ulam, 1976)French 36. Antonio Portuondo
Spanish civil engineer and mathematician8 T Spanish 37. Eduard Sacher
Austrian science teacher ↑13 T German 38. Enrique Fatigati
Spanish physicist, chemist, and thermodynamicist ↑9 T Spanish 39. Francesco Algarotti
Italian natural philosopher10 Argued, in his Newtonianism for the Ladies (1737), via Newtonian celestial mechanics logic, that:
namely that the force of love decreases with distance of separation.40. Sigmund Freud
Austrian psychoanalyst155 CT
7041. George Gore
(1826-1908)42. Francis Edgeworth
Irish mathematical economist19
18643. George Lundberg
American sociologist23 “Secondary form” of social mechanism (Stark classification, 1962)
“Newton of the social sciences” (Robert Bierstedt, 1981) (Ѻ)44. Georges Guillaume
Swiss-French economist ↑13 T French 45. Ettore Majorana
Italian engineer and theoretical physicist36
83Italian 46. Eugene Roberty
Russian positivism sociologist ↑↓10 T Russian, Spanish 47. Teresa Brennan
Australian-American philosopher ↑↓14 CT 48. Albert Brisbane
American social theorist6 49. David Hume
Scottish philosopher51
111“Newton of moral sciences” (John Passmore, c.1960) (Ѻ)
“Newton of the moral sciences” (Michael Foley, 1990)50. Auguste Comte
71“Newton of sociology” (1871) (Ѻ) 51. Jean Sales
French philosopher ↑58 M
67Newton in Senegal (1777) French 52. Balfour Stewart
Scottish physicist65 T Social cannon ball model (1868) 53. Charles Montesquieu
225“Newton of sociology” (Crane Brinton, 1950) (Ѻ) 54. Honore Balzac
French novelist19 A
306See: Balzac feelings and affinity dialogue 55. John Boodin
Swedish-born American philosopher7 56. John Desaguliers
(1683-1744)Was Newton's experimental assistant; his his The Newtonian System of the World: the Best Model of Government (1728), outlined a system of “Newtonian government”, arguing that the force of "attraction" exists in society as it does celestially, and that an ideal government should be a "natural government", run similar to celestial mechanics principles. 57. James Madison
147Studied social physics at Princeton; wrote the US Constitution using Newtonian mechanics (i.e. Newtonian government) 58. George Berkeley
Irish-born English philosopher
145Known for a particular social physics brand of “Newtonian sociology”, defended by Bernard Cohen (1994) but refuted by Pitirim Sorokin (1928), which attempted to outline a theory of laws of motion of souls akin to the laws of motion of planets, i.e. that souls were governed by something similar a force like the law of gravity. 59. Pierre Maupertuis
49Penned Venus Physics (1745), which may have been on the physics of love {?}; also: System of Nature: Essay on Organized Bodies (1751), which contrasts ideas on feelings and soul with atomistic materialism ideas, from Epicurus to Descartes; his ideas that atoms “feel” attraction and repulsion, and possibly use of the material imagination theory, sometimes leads to comparisons with Goethe and his Elective Affinities. 60. Albert Weiss
(1879-1931)His Theoretical Basis for Human Behavior, defined a human as a “geometrical electron-proton pattern” (see: proton-electron configuration) or system, and human behavior as reduced to “movements between electron-proton systems”; went on to outline a “radical reductionism” form of behaviorism; his “rain-drop analogy” points to the need to deanthropomorphize our thinking about human movements. 61. Carl Snyder
American chemistry historian, economist, and statistician ↑↑Made a Gibbs and Goethe (+Empedocles) connection (1902), , wherein, citing Berthelot, stated that “line demarking the domains of organic and mineral chemism is a figment of the mind, the selfsame powers rule in each”, then published The World Machine: the First Phase, the Cosmic Mechanism (1907), and had a draft The Social Mechanism working. 62. Lady Professor
English science professorHer posthumous The Romance of Mathematics (1886) deals with social force, kinetic and potential energy, and science applied to sociology, government, and politics. CR Δ Hu
Léon Winiarski (1865-1915) | Antonio Portuondo (1845-1927) | Gustave Hirn (1815-1890) | Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) | Georges Guillaume (c.1904-c.1974) | Francis Edgeworth (1845-1926) | ||||
Frederick Rossini (1899-1990) | Erwin Bauer (1890-1938) | Pitirim Sorokin (1889-1968) | Mehdi Bazargan (1907-1995) | John Neumann (1903-1957) | Spiru Haret (1851-1912) | ||||
Robert Lindsay (1900-1985) | Teresa Brennan (1952-2003) | Jeffrey Wicken (1942-2002) | Arthur Iberall (1918-2002) | Morris Zucker (1892-.c.1972) | Ettore Majorana (1906-1938) | ||||
Ed Stephan (1939-2008) | Jeremy Adler (1947-) | Jurgen Mimkes (1939-) | The "ΘΔics" symbol, the icon found at the bottom of every Hmolpedia article, James Maxwell's famous coded shorthand for "thermodynamics", the science that governs the known universe, shown on a US one dollar bill, meaning, for the modern physical scientist, "In Thermodynamics We Trust" is our motto; substituted for the original 1956 now-defunct statement "In God We Trust", as adhered to in the belief systems of the general public (see: existence of God). | Sture Nordholm (1944-) | Reiner Kummel (1939-) | Adriaan de Lange (1945-) | |||
Maurice Hauriou (1856-1929) | Enrique Serrano (1845-1918) | Eduard Sacher (c.1830-c.1910) | Henry Adams (1838-1918) | Yuri Tarnopolsky (1936-) | Lester Ward (1841-1913) | Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) | John Q. Stewart (1894-1972) | Henry Carey (1793-1879) | Nicolas Rashevsky (1899-1972) |
An illustration of Jean Sales’ 1777 satirical play “Reasonable Drama”, aka Newton in Senegal, showing Newton, as “social Newton”, fictionally depicted as a vegetarian, eavesdropping on a conversation between a meat-eating Merman, a talking oyster, pleading for it’s life, amid which an African, who believes in a scarab-conceptualized god, enters the scene; at the end of which Newton reasons that he should only attempt to explain morality to the African, since he alone, with his type of belief system, might obtain a soul, or something along these lines. |
“Many years ago in the brashness of youth the writer prepared an article [“Physical Laws and Social Phenomena”, 1927] on the possible use of physical principles and concepts in the description and understanding of social phenomena. He called attention to the earlier efforts of social scientists like Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, and Lester Ward to apply physical concepts and laws more or less directly to social explanation. He emphasized the difficulties encountered in the use of such analogies, e.g., the attempt to introduce a ‘social force’ analogous to ‘force’ in mechanics, overlooking the highly specific meaning attributed to the term in physics, not always clearly grasped by the nonphysicist and indeed for a long time not even too precisely clear to many physicists and engineers. It was only later that his attention was drawn to the ideas and criticisms of Vilfredo Pareto, who in his monumental work Treatise on General Sociology (1916) stresses in great detail the same difficulties.”— Bruce Lindsay (1983), “Social Exemplifications of Physical Principles”
“The recurrence during the eighteenth century Enlightenment of the aspiration to be the ‘Newton of the moral sciences’ testifies to the prestige not just of celestial mechanics, but of the ‘experimental method’ more generally.”— Stefan Collini (1993), ‘Introduction’ to C.P. Snow’s The Two Cultures [6]
5. Section Chap. 343. Since the Renaissance A. Machiavelli |
Section 5, chapter 343 “Since the Renaissance”, by German writer Johan Hendrik Jacob Van Der Pot (1918-), from his 1985 two-volume Encyclopedia of Technological Progress: A Systematic Overview of Theories and Opinions, which seems to cover the work and theories of a very focused selection of “social Newtons”; though, to note, this is need of corroboration (via a reading of the 2004 English-translation). [10] |
“Pareto’s Treatise on General Sociology is the hardest boiled book I have ever read. Three times, since I passed my puberty, has my mind been made over. Once by a nexus of which Henry Adams was the center, once by a matrix of which [James] Frazer (Ѻ) (Ѻ) burned brightest, and once by a long study of genetics and evolution. Pareto is doing the job a fourth time, and far more vitally than any others.”— Bernard DeVoto (1928), personal note reflection [8]
“The English Navy, Goethe tells us, had all its ropes manufactured each with a single red thread, twisted so intimately among the fibers of the rope, throughout its length from beginning to end, so that the red thread could be removed only by complete destruction of the rope. Even the shortest section of a rope of the Royal Navy could therefore be identified instantly by the red thread, always present and always visible. The ‘red thread’ has come to mean, in the German and Scandinavian languages, a subtle but vital theme, always present and always visible, which runs inexorably through a body. In this examination of texts of Goethe from 1809, of Henry Adams from 1909 and of Thomas Pynchon from 1973, we have, I think never lost the read thread.”
— Richard Schowen (1984), ‘Elective Affinities: Science, Certainty and Freedom in Goethe, Henry Adams and Thomas Pynchon’
“And now the astonishing and perturbing suspicion emerges that perhaps almost all that had passed for social science, political economy, politics, and ethics in the past may be brushed aside by future generations as mainly rationalizing. John Dewey has already reached this conclusion in regard to philosophy. Veblen and other writers have revealed the various unperceived presuppositions of the traditional political economy, and now comes an Italian sociologist, Vilfredo Pareto, who, in his huge [1912] treatise on general sociology, devotes hundreds of pages to substantiating a similar thesis affecting all the social sciences. This conclusion may be ranked by students of a hundred years hence [2021] as one of the several great discoveries of our age.”— James Robinson (1921), Mind in the Making (Ѻ) (Ѻ)
“In order to judge of his system it is necessary to note one or two salient points in his conception of the constitution of man and the universe. Happiness he acknowledges is ‘our being's end and aim’; and the only true science which leads to its attainment is sociology. As the doctrine of the material movements in the universe has been fixed by Newton's discoveries, so too the laws which regulate the movements in the social world must first be ascertained before we can hope to render mankind happy. To become such a social Newton was undoubtedly Fourier's ambition, and this is the fundamental law of his social Principia.”
“My wish is to construct a system of sociology on the model of celestial mechanics, physics, and chemistry.”
“I can calculate the movements of stars, but not the madness of men.”— Isaac Newton (c.1690), after losing his hat in a market collapse
“To suppose Darwin a Newton is to suppose biology to have reached a degree of theoretical development comparable to what of physics in the eighteenth century, which is preposterous.”
“Few people have the imagination for reality.”— Goethe (Ѻ)
“If Carey fancied himself as the Newton of sociology, Simmel, in so far as he was a formalist, wanted to be its Euclid.”— Werner Stark (1962), The Fundamental Forms of Social Thought [5]
“Why were the first human scientists so determined to be the Newton's of social theory? Surely, the activities of human beings are not like the motions of planets in their orbits, or rigid spheres rolling down inclined planes? Surely, they are far more like the behavior of living creatures? So why did the initial creators of the human sciences not rely on models from biology in their theory-building, rather than on implausible analogies with physics.”— Stephen Toulmin (1998), “The Idol of Stability” [7]