In philosophy, an uberman or "Nietzsche uberman" is a hypothetical archetype person who will eventually bring about the replacement model or mold for the “god” or the theory of god, or supplant the framework that religion embodies under the aegis the name god. The so-called "final uberman" will be the person who brings about the replacement mold upgrade for the downfall of modern religion (Ra theology) and who brings about global disbelief in the existence of god


In 1883, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche conceived uberman premise, as someone in the future who would overthrow god theory” and or replace it; Nietzsche is said to have cited the following uberman archetypes:

[Mean IQ:189]
Archetypes: molds to future replacement for god theory



1.Goethe 75 newJohann Goethe
German polyintellect


(Cattell 1000:7) [RGM:23|1,250+] The famed "trainer of assassins of god", namely: Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Libb Thims; among which, Nietzsche, according to Albert Camus (1942), is “the most famous of god's assassins.”
2.Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da Vinci
Italian polymath

(Cattell 1000:86) [RGM:1|1,250+] Rejected Biblical flood myth theory (see: Noah's ark).
3.ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare
English writer


(Cattell 1000:2) [RGM:10|1,250+] His brand of atheism influenced Goethe greatly, second only in influence to that of Benedict Spinoza.
4.Michelangelo 75 newMichelangelo
Italian artist
(Cattell 1000:28) [RGM:11|1,250+]
5.Napoleon Bonaparte 75Napoleon Bonaparte
French leader


(Cattell 1000:1) [RGM:171|1,250+] Queried all the scientists of France about their atheism beliefs, and queried physicians about the location of the soul; noted for the Napoleon Laplace anecdote, the most famous atheism quip of all time.
6.Caesar 75Julius Caesar
Roman leader
(Cattell 1000:8)
7.Socrates 75Socrates
Greek philosopher


(Cattell 1000:29) [RGM:14|1,250+]

Nietzsche, to elaborate, never actually named any actual individual as the ideal uberman; thought it has been conjectured that he pointed towards some as models:

“Although he explicitly denied that any Supermen had yet arisen, he mentions several individuals who could serve as models. Among these models he lists Socrates, Jesus, Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Goethe, and Napoleon.”
— Brian Hayes (2002), “Friedrich Nietzsche and his Philosophy of the Superman” (Ѻ)

Among these, Goethe is considered, by many, to be the closest Nietzsche came to naming the Übermensch. [4] Nietzsche, in his Will To Power (1887), e.g., gives the following as examples of great human beings: Caesar, Homer, Aristophanes, Da Vinci, and Goethe. [5]

Nietzsche also thought highly of Heraclitus, as discussed in Nietzsche’s Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks—though he does not seem to cite Heraclitus as an uberman, per se. [6] In Heraclitus’ work, supposedly, seeds (Ѻ) of Nietzsche’s will to power can be found.

Russell | 180 IQ minimum
Bertrand Russell, supposedly, asserted that an IQ of 180 was the cutoff IQ to being a Nietzsche uberman; at some point, he estimated his own IQ at 180. In 1962, his IQ was being estimated at 180 by John Platt. [13] The 180 IQ estimate continues to be cited (Ѻ) in 2001; others, less discerning, have gauged (Ѻ) his IQ at 147. , and also gave the following seven candidates who in sum, supposedly,

Will to power + Faust?
Nietzsche’s uberman (übermensch), according to Conan the Barbarian historian David Smith (1996), is a derivative or synthesis of Arthur Schopenhauer’s personification of the will to power, the expression of human existence superior to that of the conventional, sentimental, bourgeois moral majority (to use a contemporary term) whom Nietzsche held in contempt, and Goethe’s Faust. [2] As William Hubben writes (1966) in his survey of modern philosophers: [3]

“The new ‘superman,’ a term borrowed from Goethe’s Faust, is law unto himself. He is autonomous . . . , destined to fulfill our highest dreams. Nietzsche’s vision was that of the new man, the one who . . . will build himself up into a being beyond the ‘much-too-many,’ the mob. He will be a higher but, of course, also a lonely man. His secret nobility will be of an aristocratic elevation, for which no pattern exists: He has nobody to follow, and nobody should be asked to follow him.”

Or, as Nietzsche himself wrote, in Thus Spake Zarathustra: Second Part, "Hungry, violent, lonely, godless: thus the lion-will wants itself. Free from the happiness of slaves, redeemed from gods and adorations, fearless and fear-inspiring, great and lonely: such is the will of the truthful."

1. Norlinger, Ulf. (1998). “Estimate IQs of the some of the Greatest Geniuses”,, Jul 12.
2. Smith, David C. (1996). “A Critical Appriciation of John Milius’ Conan the Barbarian”,
3. Hubben, William. (1966). Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Kafka: Four Prophets of Our Destiny. Collier Books.
4. Passages validating Goethe as Nietzsche’s Ubermensch? –
5. Nietzsche, Friedrich. (1887). Will to Power (pg. 205). Vintage Books, 1968.
6. (a) Ziniewicz, Gordon L. (2012). “Textural Analysis of Nietzsche’s View of Heraclitus”,, Oct 14.
(b) Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks – Wikipedia.
7. Anon. (2003). “Greatest Geniuses IQs” (Ѻ), SciForums, Dec 9.

External links
Übermensch – Wikipedia.

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