In existographies, Virgil (70BC-19BC) (IQ:170|#321) (Cattell 1000:57) (RGM:79|1,260+) (Murray 4000:4|WL) was a Roman poet, student of Philodemus, noted for []
Francis Edgeworth is said to have had a photographic memory and could repeat numerous passages from Milton, Pope, Virgil, and Homer in his old age knew Greek, Latin, German, Italian, and Spanish. [2]
Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Virgil:
“The Christmas tree is traced to the Roman Saturnalia. It is distinctly described by Virgil [c.30BC] with its suspended toys and images: ‘the farmers of Ansonia, a Race sent forth from Troy, in uncouth verse and unchecked laughter play and put on hideous vizards wrought of hollowed bark, and sing thee, O Bacchus, with joyful hymns, and in thy honor hang from the tall pine waving masks to thee’.”— Lewis Burdick (1912), “Primary Economical and Political Significance of Our Christmas Anniversary” [3]
“Virgil, in his noble epic, had made its hero the son of a mortal and a goddess, Venus; the implications of this genealogy were a temptation Ovid could not resist.”— Rolfe Humphries (1954), “Introduction” to Metamorphosis [1]
“Happy is the man who has discovered the causes of things, and is thereby cured of all kind of fears, even of death itself, and all the noise and din of hell.”— Virgil (29BC), Georgics; as rendered by Sunand Joshi (2014) [4]
“Happy is he who is able to know the causes of things.”— Virgil (29BC), Georgics; cited by Julien la Mettrie (1750) in “The System of Epicurus” [5]