In thermodynamics, Vladimir Igorevich Arnold (1937-2010) was a Russian mathematician noted for []
In1989, Arnold, in his “Contact Geometry: the Geometrical Method of Gibbs’ Thermodynamics”, explained the graphical thermodynamics work of Willard Gibbs as follows:
“According to Gibbs, the geometrical structure of thermodynamics is described by a contact manifold, equipped with the contact form, whose zeros define the laws of thermodynamics:
dε = tdη - pdv
where ε is the energy, t the temperature, η the entropy, p the pressure, and v the volume. Let us call this contact 5-manifold the Gibbs manifold. Gibbs thesis: substances are Legendre submanifolds of the Gibbs manifold.”
Arnold, in this same work, also gives the following popular quote:
“Every mathematician knows it is impossible to understand an elementary course in thermodynamics. The reason is that thermodynamics is based—as Gibbs has explicitly proclaimed—on a rather complicated mathematical theory, on the contact geometry. Contact geometry is one of the few ‘simple geometries’ of the so-called Cartan’s list, but it is still mostly unknown to the physicist—unlike the Riemannian geometry and the symplectic or Poisson geometries, whose fundamental role in physics is today generally accepted.”
Arnold explains that Gibbs methods are based on circa 1790s work of French mathematician Adrien-Marie Legendre and his "Legendre submanifold", which comes from the theory of Legendre transformation or "Legendre transform", which is a special case of the "Legendre singularities construction".
Arnold’s 1979 Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, supposedly, gives some historical background to the historical origin of energy landscapes. [2]
Arnold completed a partial solution of Hilbert's thirteenth problem in 1957 (age 19), completed his MS in 1959, thesis “On Mappings of the Circle to Itself”, PhD in 1961, dissertation “On the Representation of Continuous Functions of 3 Variables by the Superpositions of Continuous Functions of 2 Variables”, the latter two both under A.N. Kolmogorov, and ScD in 1963, thesis “Small Denominators and Stability Problems in Classical and Celestial Mechanics”, under Nikolay Bogolyubov, V.M. Volosov, and G.N. Duboshin. He was a professor of mechanics and mathematics at Moscow State University until 1986, after which he worked at both the Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, and Paris Dauphine University, France.
1. (a) Arnold, Vladimir I. (1989). “Contact Geometry: the Geometrical Method of Gibbs’ Thermodynamics”, pgs. 163-80; in Proceedings of the Gibbs Symposium: Yale University, May 15-17. AMS Bookstore.
(b) Contact geometry – Wikipedia.
2. Arnold, Vladimir. (1979). Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics. Springer, 1989.
External links
● Vladimir Arnold – Wikipedia.
● Vladimir Igorevich Arnold (2009 faculty page) - St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute, RAS.