Abraham ns
A visual of the mythical nature behind the character of "Abraham", or Ra the father-like sun god (supreme god) of Egypt (ham or keme).
In religio-mythology, Abraham, aka Ab-Ra-Ham (father Ra of Egypt), the fictional eleventh descendant from Noah (or Nun), is the Judeo-Christian-Islam creation myth anthropomorphism of the “Father Ra born of Nun”, or Ra (fire), born out of land or keme (earth) that arose following the flood (water).

The name "Abraham", in Greek three element theory language, translates as follows:

Abraham (3 element labeled)

In short, Abraham, not a real person, means the sun god (sun) born out of the pyramid, i.e. land mound that arose after annual 150-day Nile flood, entity of the Heliopolis creation myth of Egyptology (2800BC), technically a syncretism of the supreme god-entity of the Heliopolis, Hermopolis, Memphis, and Thebes creation myths; who was also reconceptualized, in Hinduism, as the creator god Brahma; the gist of which is shown below.

Abraham | Brahma | Ra
See main: Abraham and Brahma
One of the more significant unifying decipherments is the connection between the similarities of Jewish-Christian-Islam patriarch Abraham and the Hindu creator god Brahma, which overlap in at least six ways:

(a) Both Abraham and Brahma are the said-to-be creators all humans (Ra is the main creator god of the Egyptian pantheon).
(b) Both Abraham and Brahma have the same etymology: “Father Ra son of Nun” (water-fire-earth theory).
(c) Both Abraham and Brahma derived from the Nun (Noah and Ma-Nu, respectively).
(d) Both Abraham and Brahma have the same sister-wife, in namesake, Sarai and Saraswati, respectively.
(e) Both Abraham and Brahma have the same thrice sister-wife parable (creation by incest rewrite).
(f) The slaying of son reoccurs in both cases (release of the soul rewrite / Osiris-Horus splitting rewrite).

The decipherment of the etymological origin of the supposed humankind patriarch person "Abraham" to the Ra the sun god model, to note, is a puzzle very difficult to track down; particularly in the pre-Internet (c.2003), pre-Wikipedia (c.2005), pre-Google Books (c.2007) era, though there have been no shortage of detectives in this endeavor, namely: Voltaire (c.1750), Johann Goethe (1770), Constantin Volney (1791), Gerald Massey (1883), Wallis Budge (1895), Gary Greenberg (1996), among others. The following, to exemplify modern searchability, are a few 2013 Google Books (30 million plus books scanned) search returns (Ѻ) for keys: Ra, Brahman, Abraham, shown to exemplify the modern-day easy of tracing the Abraham etymology.

comparative mythology
A snapshot religious syncretism-adoption character transformation Ra (2800BC) into Brahman (1600BC) and Abraham (500BC).
In these works, see a generally accurate picture, except for the lack of clarification that the name Ham, suffix "-ham", or phrase "father of Ham", correctly has the meaning of land mound (primordial land mound following the flood), deriving from Coptic word for "Egypt", kēme (pronounced: chem), the name of the fertile black soil left behind following the annual flooding of the Nile—hence, just as the sun (or sun god Ra) is born daily and annual out of the land mound (flood-mound god Nun or pyramid), following the great flood, so to in transliteration is Abraham born of Noah, following the great flood, after which the sun shows forth following the darkness.

In regards to decipherment difficulty, to exemplify, it took American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, about two years (c.2003), and a read-through of about 75+ books in comparative mythology and religion, including the works of Budge and Greenberg, among others, to figure out exactly who this mysterious "Abraham" character was, him being so precariously dominate in the world religions. [1]

Chemistry | Atheism
In opposition to belief in the existence of a person named “Abraham”, who some 75 percent of the modern world have some belief in, inclusive of the conception that all existing humans are descendants of Abraham, the dominate world belief system, typically taught to children (see: belief system children), the alternative of which, according to English natural philosopher Francis Bacon, is belief in atomic theory, and in turn atheism, inclusive of the conception that all existing humans or human molecules are descendants of the hydrogen atom: [3]

“Nay, even that school which is most accused of atheism doth most demonstrate religion; that is, the school of Leucippus [450BC] and Democritus and Epicurus. For it is a thousand times more credible, that four mutable elements, and one immutable fifth essence, duly and eternally placed, need no God, than that an army of infinite small portions, or seeds unplaced, should have produced this order and beauty, without a divine marshal.”

It is thus by no coincidence that both Abraham (or Brahma) and chemistry have the same root etymology (see: chemistry etymology), being that they are each different belief systems that explain the origins of humans from the elements of the earth cyclically heated by the sun:


Abraham | BrahmaFather "Ra" born of the "Nun" (pyramid) – or kēme, pronounced: ‘chem’ (Greenberg, 1996), the name of the black fertile soil left behind following the receding of the annual 150-day Nile flood.
Chemistry From Coptic word for "Egypt", kēme (pronounced: chem) or chēmia, according Plutarch (On Isis and Osiris, 100AD), named as such owing to the black color of its soil; hence the synonym “black art” (Partington, 1936).

Said another way:

“ ‘Ham’, the name of Noah’s second son, is pronounced ‘Chem’ in Hebrew, and he is depicted as the father of the Egyptian and African peoples. The name derives from the Egyptian word ‘Keme’, an ancient name for Egypt. It means ‘the black land’ and refers to the fertile black soil left behind when the annual Nile flood withdraws to its banks.”
Gary Greenberg (1996), 101 Myths of the Bible (pg. 74) [4]

In short, both Abraham and chemistry explain the origins of humans from a connection between the sun (or heat) and ‘Chem’, or "arisen land" (fertile soil), combination sun birth, following the flood, in the former, or 92 naturally occurring "elements" of the periodic table, cyclically heated by the sun, a process described by via synthesis/analysis and chemical thermodynamics, in the latter.

Nun to Noah
Left: Egyptian version (3100 BC): Benu bird bursting forth from the primordial land mound (Nun) carrying the sun (Ra) on its head into the sky following the great flood—a concept modeled on the annual 150-day Nile flood. Right: Torah version (1000BC): Noah (or Nuh) lost in the darkness of a great 150-day flood, nearing the end of which he sends out a bird that does not return, signifying that land had arose, after which the sun begins to shine, who becomes the patriarch of Abraham, by eleven generations, who in turn fathers all of humanity, according to the Judeo-Christian-Islam faiths, the dominate belief system of half the modern world. [1]
Human chemical thermodynamics
The modern upgrade replacement belief system for the world-dominating "humans descendent from Noah (Nu), a land mound born out of the flood via the power of the rising sun/god" model, i.e. Abrahamic theology and Brahmaic theology, is human chemical thermodynamics, i.e. the physio-chemical model of "humans as powered animate chemical geometries synthesized via the cyclical action of heat according to the laws and mechanisms of physical chemistry. The 3,000+ articles of Hmolpedia are a prolegomenon to this transition in belief system. [5]

The following are related quotes:

“Therefore, it would be found to be composed of the first two letters of the alphabet. This is precisely what is found in the Hebrew word for father: AB. Linking it with the Egyptian RA, the radiant solar deity, we have AB-RA-M, receiving later in its evolution the developed powers of godhood represented by the fifth Hebrew letter, he, and so becoming AB-RA-H-AM. And as Abram came out of the primordial empyreal fire, UR, it is hardly coincidental that even UR begins with that letter, U, which (with V) represents the downward line of descent, the turning upward and the return to the heights.”
Alvin Kuhn (1900), Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet (Ѻ) (pg. 23)

“Not only is there no evidence that any such figure as Abraham ever lived but archaeologists believe that there is no way such a figure could have lived given what we now know about ancient Israelite origins.”
— Daniel Lazare (2002), “False Testament” [6]

See also
Abraham and Isaac
Existence of God
Anunian theology
Ra theology

1. (a) Thims, Libb. (2011). Purpose? (in a Godless Universe). (94-pg manuscript) (unfinished); Online as 105-page unfinished manuscript (14 Apr 2013). IoHT publications.
(b) Genesis flood narrative – Wikipedia.
3. Bacon, Francis. (c.1610). “Of Atheism”, Publisher.
4. Greenberg, Gary. (2000). 101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History (pg. 74). Source Books.
5. Thims, Libb. (2014-15/16). Chemical Thermodynamics: with Applications in the Humanities (85-page version: pdf of 800-pages estimated total). Publisher.
6. (a) Lazare, Daniel. (2002). “False Testament: Archaeology Refutes the Bible’s Claim to History” (Ѻ), Harper’s Magazine, Mar.
(b) Harpur, Tom. (2004). The Pagan Christ (pg. 115-16). Thomas Allan Publishers.

External links
Abraham – Wikipedia.
Ancient Egyptian creation myths – Wikipedia.

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